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Discipline Page 20

  Martin moaned, loud enough that Tobias could hear him over the noise of the bar. His head nodded, curls bobbing as he moved. Tobias could see that he'd managed to soak the front of Gregory's pants, the fabric clinging to a hard erection.

  "Good little slut," Gregory said. "All right, then. Take it out and show them what you can do."

  Martin moaned again, his own hips jerking. The light glinted off the steel plug in his ass, and Tobias shifted in his chair, his legs spreading a little more.

  Gregory's pants were opened in haste, his cock springing free and into Martin's fingers. The boy made a happy sound and immediately began licking it, his head twisting and turning so everyone watching could get a good look at both Gregory's dick and the way Martin's tongue flicked over it.

  Gregory grinned and looked down, watching as Martin took him into his mouth. "That's it," he murmured. "Suck it."

  Tobias suddenly realized he was holding onto Noah's hair a little more firmly than was strictly necessary and looked down at his boy.

  Noah wasn't watching, his eyes were studiously downcast. He wasn't touching himself either at the moment; there was no need. His erection stood rigidly out from his body and was a warm shade of red. It strained enthusiastically against the laces of his chaps.

  Michel made a sound and pressed his palm against his caged cock. Jean-Pierre made no effort to stop him -- his eyes were on Gregory's cock and Martin's busy tongue. He, too, shifted a bit in his seat, leaning back a bit farther and uncrossing his legs.

  "You've got them hard, little one," Gregory told Martin. He was a little breathless, his hand kneading the table top.

  Martin moaned again, his own knees spreading as he really set to work, taking Gregory deeper into his mouth.

  "God, yes," Gregory groaned, his hand finally going to Martin's head along with the other. "Such a mouth..."

  Tobias doubted that Martin was as good as Noah, but Gregory was certainly enjoying it. The man was starting to push into his boy's mouth, his cock slick with Martin's spit, shiny and wet, the head a dusky color they could all see every time Martin pulled back to show it off.

  Tobias adjusted his own erection, not in the least ashamed to be watching. He noted the way Martin licked at the beads of pre-come Gregory produced, the way the boy's body shuddered each time. If Martin wasn't careful, he'd be getting punished for shooting without permission.

  Michel whimpered and Jean-Pierre frowned. "No, my darling," he said, reaching down to pull the boy's hand away from the cage that prevented him from getting hard. "You are being punished tonight, yes? Hands behind your back."

  Michel clasped his hands behind his back, making him look a lot like Noah, who was in much the same position. Behind them, the man fucking his submissive came loudly to the applause of a small but admiring crowd.

  Tobias slipped his hand across Noah's shoulders, suddenly feeling like there was far too little contact between them. He watched as Martin played with Gregory's balls and circled the swollen head of the now fiercely hard erection. Leaning over to whisper in Noah's ear, he said, "You're better, pet."

  Noah leaned into Tobias' touch and turned his head just enough so that Tobias could see him smile. All of this sitting and focusing was good for him, Tobias decided, since he'd been a little scattered since they'd arrived in Paris. However the evening worked out for them, Noah would be relaxed and deep in his space for it, and he would feel more like himself by morning.

  "God," Gregory whispered. Then he fisted his hand in Martin's hair and thrust hard into the boy's mouth.

  Tobias felt himself tense along with Gregory, could almost feel the man's orgasm building. When Gregory gasped, Tobias sat straighter, his gaze locked on Martin's mouth.

  "Yes!" Gregory said tightly, pulling out and coming all over Martin's face and chest, his hand suddenly working his cock hard.

  Tobias sat back, breathing heavily. He was a little surprised by how turned on the display made him.

  Jean-Pierre grinned and reached over to pat Gregory on the back. "Bravo!" he teased. "Martin has managed to make us all stiff, eh? Bravo."

  Tobias caught Noah as he glanced up quickly, presumably at Martin, and then lowered his eyes again.

  "Liked that, boy?" he whispered, watching Gregory put himself away and Martin smear come into his skin with a whimper.

  Apparently Noah had seen more than Tobias realized because he nodded yes.

  "Good." Tobias reached for his water glass and drank about half of it, enjoying his current level of arousal. He was hungry for more, but not quite ready to drag Noah off into a corner. He looked at Jean-Pierre and grinned. "So what else do you do for entertainment here?"

  Jean-Pierre lit up a cigarette. "There is a whipping post there," he pointed, "to show your skills, and also rooms in the back set for, eh, scenes, yes? Tableaux." He took another drag. "They are not private, anyone may come and see, but there are many to choose from. There is also entertainment later in the evening; they usually have men perform."

  "Will you be performing?" Tobias asked. He had half a mind to go see what the rooms were, but thought it might be nice if Noah was the obvious one of them. He did, however, finger his crop. Flogging he could do -- which was not to say that he wouldn't happily fuck Noah in front of a crowd... just not this early in the evening.

  Jean-Pierre reached down to run his fingers through Michel's hair. While he was there, he pointed at the floor again and Michel bent over his knees once more. "Michel has the remainder of his punishment to accept, so... yes, I think I might show off my arm a bit at his expense." The man grinned at Tobias. "You? I see you have brought a sturdy crop, eh?"

  "Why, so I have." Tobias grinned and picked up the crop. "It's a very nice crop, too. And you, Gregory? When you get your wind back, will you be entertaining the room at large?"

  Gregory gave Tobias a look that would have been a glare if he wasn't sex addled. "I have my wind back, old man."

  "Ah, so that's a yes?" Tobias teased.

  "No. I think I'll have a bottle of water, watch you and Jean-Pierre, and then drag my little one into a corner for some private correction." Gregory petted Martin, who leaned into the touch and moaned.

  "You and me then," Tobias said with a smile. "Would you like to use this?"

  "We can start with it," Jean-Pierre replied with a grin. He reached over to his hip. "And finish with this." He gave the bullwhip on his hip a tug and set it on the table. "It is well balanced; Gregory's work, of course. You will like it."

  Noah glanced up at the table and then back into his lap.

  Tobias smiled. "That will do nicely, I think." He took a breath and poured more water into his glass before handing it to Noah. "Very nicely, don't you think?"

  Noah took the glass Tobias offered him. He opened his mouth as if to speak but shut it abruptly and nodded once instead. The water was gone in two long gulps.

  "Your boy approves, Tobias. He is something special, no? I look forward to seeing what he is willing to take for you." Jean-Pierre took one last drag off his cigarette, considered Michel carefully for a moment, and then put it out in the ashtray on the table and stood. "We can bind them together at the post, yes? A lovely picture, I think."

  Tobias nodded, taking Noah's leash in his hand. "Lovely," he agreed as he stood up. "I assume the patrons will grant us enough room?" They certainly seemed willing to, several people already pushing tables to the side as they spotted the whip and crop.

  "Oh, yes." Jean-Pierre led Michel to the post. The boy crawled all the way but stood as soon as he reached it. He faced it and held his arms out to his sides, parallel to the floor. "Good boy," Jean-Pierre praised him and gestured for Tobias to bring Noah over to the other side.

  "Come now, pet. You and Michel can stare into each other's eyes and judge how good we are." Tobias smiled and smoothed a hand over Noah's back as they stepped up to the post. "Kiss me first, boy."

  Noah turned so quickly and pressed his lips to Tobias' so eagerly it seemed as if he'd been wait
ing all evening for that very request. He leaned into Tobias and opened his mouth for him, yielding softly to Tobias' tongue.

  Jean-Pierre made an approving sound while he closed the cuffs on Michel's side of the post around his boy's delicate wrists.

  With real regret Tobias pulled away. "Thank you," he whispered. "Such a good boy. Make me proud."

  Noah nodded and turned to the post, his arms coming up so Tobias could secure him. The wrists were easy, and Tobias made sure Noah had sure footing. He stood behind Noah and reached around him to tease at his cock, his thumb brushing the head of it again and again. "Don't come," he ordered.

  Noah shook his head no. No, of course he wouldn't come, even if he could, through the ring and all the laces binding his prick. He watched Noah test the bonds and shift his weight from foot to foot. When he settled, Tobias knew that he was comfortable and ready.

  "You first, eh?" Jean-Pierre asked, stepping around to Noah's side of the post.

  "If you prefer," Tobias said easily, running a hand down Noah's back and cupping his ass for a moment. Then he stepped back and rolled his shoulders, suddenly aware of the gathering audience. With a grin, he slapped his crop against one thigh and undid his suit jacket. "I'm a little overdressed," he said mildly. "However..." He brought the crop down on Noah with a healthy snap, the crop leaving a nice red stripe.

  Noah hissed and shifted, but didn't make any more sound than that. The gasp Tobias heard wasn't his boy's, it was Michel.

  Jean-Pierre nodded approvingly and admired the length and width of the stripe. "This is a nice tool, yes?"

  "I like it," Tobias said with a nod. "It's a little lighter than my favorite, but it's got wonderful balance. Here." He handed the crop to Jean-Pierre and stepped back, taking off his jacket. Immediately, a club employee was at his side to take it from him.

  "Thank you." Jean-Pierre circled the post slowly, admiring both boys while he tested the weight of the crop and measured its sting on his thigh. He leaned against Michel's back to whisper something in the boy's ear that Tobias couldn't hear and then stepped back and laid the crop to the boy's bare ass, marking him vertically and raising a welt. Michel whimpered pitifully but stood his ground. "Très bien," he said and stepped away again.

  "Very nice," Tobias complimented him, studying the mark. "Good definition."

  He walked around to Noah and felt the line he'd made moments before, then quickly raised its match, precisely an inch above it. "I like symmetry," he said, holding the crop out to Jean-Pierre.

  "You mean you're a stickler for details," Gregory called out.

  "That, too."

  Noah winced and whimpered softly, but Tobias knew that two strokes of the crop were just enough to force him deep and not nearly enough to push him near his safeword. Tobias enjoyed the sound, and a glance at his boy's prick was evidence enough that Noah was enjoying the new crop as well.

  "Mmm," Jean-Pierre hummed thoughtfully. "Is very nice." He took the crop from Tobias and circled the boys again, then studied Michel's ass. There were already several marks from earlier in the evening, so Tobias knew he wanted to make his choices carefully. He brandished the crop wide enough that Michel was probably able to catch the movement out of the corner of his eye, and then laid a stripe on the boy's other cheek to mirror the first.

  Michel made a sobbing sound and squeezed his eyes shut. Tears rolled down his cheeks.

  "Ah, my darling. It is beautiful, you wait until you see," Jean-Pierre told the boy soothingly. He held the crop out to Tobias.

  "It doesn't seem fair," Tobias remarked as he took the crop. "Your boy's been warmed up." He hefted the crop for a moment and almost negligently added a third, perfect stripe to Noah's ass. "However, you do have a wonderful touch."

  "Ah, oui. He has had a turn at the post already tonight. I will admire your technique for a bit until you feel your boy is ready for the whip, yes?" Jean-Pierre stepped back, leaving the crop in Tobias' fingers. "You are very skilled, I enjoy how your tool is a mere extension of your arm. Is very graceful, you understand? I am sure everyone that watches agrees."

  Tobias grinned and looked over at Gregory. "What do you think?"

  "I think you've gotten better, and I think you're showing off," Gregory said with a smile. There were a few snickers and one friendly nod from the gathered audience. "But we like those who show off, so please -- continue."

  Tobias laughed and ran a hand over Noah's ass, giving him a little squeeze once more. "This ass was made to show off on," he said softly. "Such a good boy, pet. You're doing just fine. Making me hard." He was, too; as relaxed as Gregory had suddenly become, Tobias' need had been building, and the front of his trousers was utterly distorted.

  Noah turned his head and glanced down at Tobias' crotch, then looked up enough that he could see Noah's smile in response. As if inviting Tobias to continue, Noah licked his lips and spread his legs even wider.

  Jean-Pierre laughed softly from the sidelines. "Your boy is without shame. Is good. He wants you, yes?"

  "He wants me, yes." Tobias was fairly sure he didn't sound smug about it; it was simply a fact. Of course, there was the equally obvious fact that he wanted Noah, which was just fine with him. His boy.

  He stepped back and considered Noah's ass for a moment and then raised the crop. An instant later a new welt appeared, creating a T out of the first stripe. "Hang on, pet," he murmured as he adjusted his aim and made the second line a T also.

  "One more." The third line became his initial as well, and he had to adjust his cock, giving himself a firm stroke as he did it. "Beautiful," he said, stepping up to check how Noah was doing.

  "Well done! Is good for him your name is not Maurice," Jean-Pierre teased, laughing.

  Noah's eyes were closed, his body a bit tense, and he was breathing through the sting. It only took a couple more deep breaths for his shoulders to relax, and his fists uncurled just moments after that.

  Noah's jaw worked as if he wanted to speak. It wasn't in character for him to keep silent during a session; he liked to talk, and Tobias, under other circumstances, would have liked to hear him. Instead of speaking, Noah moaned as Tobias drew nearer, low and soft, a sound meant only for his ears.

  "All right, pet?" he asked softly. "You look amazing."

  Noah nodded and adjusted his stance once more. He pushed back from the post a few inches, which was just far enough to reach Tobias' shoulder. He kissed it, smiled at the floor and then turned back to face Michel.

  Behind him, Tobias heard the snap of Jean-Pierre's bullwhip. He was testing his arm away from his boy. "We move on?" he asked, grinning at Tobias. "Your boy is warm now, yes?"

  "Scorched around the edges," Tobias said. He went to stand next to Gregory, one eye on Noah's cock, the other on Jean-Pierre's whip. When he saw Noah swell a little more as Jean-Pierre cracked the whip again, he smiled. "Ready when you are, friend."

  "You sound very confident," Gregory said in his ear. "I hope you've had good instruction."

  "I learned from the best, and I have someone who's taken the time recently to make sure I've brushed up. When I collared Noah I used it after a lovely display -- I'm sure I can do just as well tonight."

  Gregory shrugged. "We'll enjoy watching you try, in any event."

  Jean-Pierre turned to face his boy. He barked something in French as a warning to Michel and then let the whip fly, not once, but twice in a row, stinging the boy once on each shoulder.

  Michel screamed, and his knees gave out so that he was hanging by his wrists. Jean-Pierre was already in motion and caught the boy by his hips, helping him to stand again. He spoke to Michel softly until the boy could stand on his own, and then walked away, leaving him sobbing.

  "You are a good boy." Jean-Pierre told Michel, redeeming him loudly enough for everyone to hear. "You have taken your punishment bravely, and it is over, my darling. Any more strokes will be reward, yes?"

  Michel seemed inconsolable, sobbing and whimpering as he leaned against the post. Impulsivel
y, Noah stretched forward and kissed the boy on the cheek. It earned him a tentative smile, and Michel seemed to quiet a bit.

  Tobias walked to Jean-Pierre and took the whip from him. "Michel is a good boy," he said with a smile. "I hope he gets a nice reward."

  Jean-Pierre smiled at Tobias and adjusted his erection. "He will."

  Tobias chuckled. "Lucky boy, as well."

  He coiled the whip a little tighter and moved to the open area, then snapped it out. As he coiled it again he noted its weight and made the necessary adjustments to his swing, the second strike feeling better than the first. He nodded to himself and walked back to Noah as he looped it again. "Two, pet. Take them for me."

  Tobias waited, knowing Noah's ritual. His boy checked his footing again, took a deep breath and let it out slowly, and then nodded. Jean-Pierre, Tobias knew, was watching critically.

  "Good boy." Tobias didn't make a promise of a reward -- Noah knew very well that he'd be taken care of. With one more pat to Noah's marked ass Tobias moved back.

  The room seemed quieter than it had been a few moments before, and Tobias took a moment to catch Gregory's eye and then Jean-Pierre's. They were both watching him intently, their bodies still. With a sharply drawn breath Tobias let fly, the whip sounding large in the room as it cracked on the floor before licking Noah's shoulder. Once and then again it sounded, two identical welts rising up on Noah's shoulder blades. The one on the right covered the scar that no one else had probably even noticed.

  Noah growled through his shout. He rose up on his toes and then down again, then arched his back and shrugged his shoulders, moving as if trying to escape the sting. The welts grew to an angry red, and Noah whimpered softly through shallow panting as he settled down. He pressed his forehead to the post and closed his eyes.

  The room, which had gone so silent only a moment before, erupted in applause and congratulatory shouts in several different languages. A couple of the men watching gave Tobias friendly taps on the shoulder and another handed him a bottle of water.

  Apparently, Jean-Pierre knew when he was beat. "This is very nice work, and your boy is strong. How many can he manage, eh?"