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Discipline Page 19

  "Point taken." Tobias closed the file and pushed it across the desk. "The simple harness, leather cuffs for his wrists, and the second set, I think. If they can be made a little tighter -- not as tight as the first, though."

  Gregory beamed at him. "Lovely. I'll fetch Andre, and the boys can go play while you and I go look at toys upstairs. You said you needed a--"

  "Crop," Tobias said firmly.

  "A crop." Gregory smiled and stood up. "I'll be right back," he said as he walked around the desk. "You're a lucky boy, lad."

  "Always, sir," Noah agreed, moving his hands behind his back again. His gaze followed Gregory's feet as he left the room. He glanced in Tobias' direction, and then seemed to sit up a bit straighter as if he might be able to see what was lying on the desk.

  "You'll see soon enough, pet," Tobias said, amused. "Tell me, what have you been thinking about? What do you think of all this?"

  "I've been thinking about, well, things... to keep me hard, sir. And I think all of this is intriguing, and it's making me extremely curious and a little bit nervous. Master Gregory is very friendly, and handsome."

  "He's the devil in a suit," Tobias said with a grin. "And what things are you thinking about?"

  Noah glanced in Tobias' direction and then looked straight ahead again. "Honestly, sir?"

  "Of course," Tobias said, surprised. "Always."

  "I've been thinking about the incredibly hot sounds you made when my tongue was in your ass."

  Tobias was grateful he wasn't normally the type to blush. "I'm glad the utter meltdown of my nervous system is so pleasant for you," he said with a smile.

  The door Gregory had vanished through opened, and he returned with a tall, broad man following him. "This is Andre," Gregory said. "A genius with leather and silk."

  Tobias stood and nodded. "Andre. This is Noah. You know what I want?"

  Andre nodded once.

  "Good. Let me know if he softens or comes, other than that, he's in your hands."

  Andre took a step back and held the door open. "This way, please," he said softly.

  Noah glanced in Tobias' direction.

  "Go on, pet," Tobias said reassuringly, giving Noah a pat on the shoulder.

  With that, Noah stood silently and made his way across the room to Andre. He paused by the door, then stepped past the much larger man and disappeared into the hall beyond him.

  Tobias looked at Gregory and the two of them began to laugh.

  "Oh, the poor lad," Gregory finally managed. "He looked terrified."

  "He'll be fine," Tobias said confidently. "He'll also come back down here over the moon and with another admirer."

  Gregory tilted his head. "I don't know about that. Andre sees a lot of bodies."

  "It's not his body," Tobias said, fully aware that he was sounding like a smitten old man. "It's just him."

  Gregory beamed at him and gestured to another door. "Ah. You're in love. Come. Let's go find a nice crop for you to use on your boy. Show him how much you care."

  Tobias laughed and followed along as Gregory led him up narrow steps to a large open space. There was a whipping doll at one end of the room, and each wall was lined with racks and shelves and cases of floggers and other toys. "It's like... walking into a feast," Tobias said.

  Gregory nodded. "We have some wonderful suppliers. The in-house work is on the right; you should be able to find something suitable."

  Tobias didn't doubt it. He fingered the crops and swung a few experimentally, always looking for another.

  "So how long have you had the boy?" Gregory asked curiously.

  "About six months." Tobias swished another crop and set it down, moving to the canes for a moment. "We're renegotiating."

  "Going well?"

  "You want to take him off my hands?" Tobias teased, walking toward the dummy.

  "I wouldn't dream of it. I have my hands full as it is, and I doubt your Noah would take to another easily."

  "You're right." Tobias laid into the dummy with the cane and shook his head. "Ship this to me. I won't use it on him here." He moved back to the crops and picked up the three he liked best. "Negotiations are barely started, but I doubt there will be issues. Though... I've already told him I'm going to ask for a live-in arrangement."

  "How did he react to that?" Gregory asked as Tobias tried the first of the crops on the dummy.

  "I'm not really sure. Which bothers me. However, I have a secret weapon, so I'm not worried."

  "And what's that?" Gregory asked, shaking his head. "Not that one. Try the short tail."

  Tobias nodded and switched crops. "Real estate. I want more. I think he'd feel better about it if we were both moving, not just him into my space. My current flat is a little... uptown."

  "And he's downtown?"

  Tobias laughed. "Not what I meant. He works downtown." He swung the crop again. "This one, I think."

  "Good choice. Will you bring it tonight?"

  "We've been invited?"

  "You're being invited now. That crop, your boy, those chaps. It'll be a grand time."

  Tobias found himself smiling broadly as he nodded.

  Chapter 19

  There was no mistaking the club for anything other than what it was.

  At the door Tobias showed a card that Gregory had given him, and he and Noah were both looked over rather carefully before being admitted, but once inside they were swept into a world Tobias had rarely visited; he had his doubts if Noah had ever been a part of anything like it at all.

  In a small room to the side of the entrance Noah was relieved of his long coat, the only article of clothing that had made him fit to leave the hotel room, and Tobias clipped a lead to his chest harness. Tobias himself wore a dark suit, his starched and pristine appearance in direct contrast to the way Noah was so blatantly on display.

  "All right, pet," he said softly, palming Noah's rampant erection. "No talking at all. Not to me, not to anyone. If you need help, signal me some other way. Keep hard, keep your eyes down, and make me proud. Do as you're told, and everything will be fine. Understood?"

  Noah nodded sharply and said nothing. He seemed to be a little nervous, but Tobias had expected as much. He knew Noah would settle once he got used to the atmosphere; he wouldn't have brought Noah here if he'd thought this was more than his boy could handle.

  Tobias turned and led Noah from the foyer with Noah tight at his heel. At the large double doors they were met by two men who once more checked Tobias' card, and then the doors were opened to them. As they stepped in, the music and sounds flowed over them, and Tobias tugged slightly on Noah's leash.

  It was a sex club. Where their own club at least pretended to be a gentleman's club and had the lower floor reserved for non-play, this one had no such pretensions. Tables were scattered about and there was a bar, but the whipping post at the far end of the room was in use, and a man standing at the bar was quite obviously finger fucking his sub.

  Tobias grinned and moved slowly through the room, exchanging looks and nods with various people, none of whom he recognized. The Tops were sizing him up, taking a good look at Noah, and trying to place him. He was merely existing, letting his demeanor speak for him.


  He turned to the right, searching for the owner of the voice and finally spotting Gregory sitting at a table near the back. He nodded and made his way over, Noah keeping to heel easily and smoothly.

  "Hello, Gregory." Tobias laid his crop on the table and pulled out a chair. He sat and Noah sank to his knees beside him. "Nice crowd," he said, patting Noah's head.

  "It's a bit quiet," Gregory said with a grin. "No one's actually fucking on the tables yet."

  Tobias knew he wasn't exaggerating.

  "Looks nice," Gregory said, looking at Noah. "Andre does good work, and he had... quite a bit to work with, didn't he?"

  Tobias smirked. "He did fine." He pet Noah again and winked. "We had a lot of fun dressing him. Poor baby was a mess until I got him all tied up.

  Gregory laughed. "I'm sure he hated every minute of it. Still, he's a pretty package."

  "I like it," Tobias said with another quick grin. "You're here alone?"

  "Heavens, no! Martin is fetching my drink; I expect he's having some trouble, as I've switched off my usual without telling the bar." He gave Tobias a wicked grin. "I have a new cat to try out."

  Tobias glanced over to the bar and tried to pick out Gregory's boy. There was only one sub without a Master by his side, and he was pointing to a bottle on the wall. Even from where he sat Tobias could admire the bar layout, with all the non-alcoholic mixes on one side and the spirits on the other. Martin's shoulders suddenly sagged and the bartender picked out a white bottle.

  "Coconut? God, tell me you're not going tropical on us?"

  Gregory shrugged. "It was a cold winter."

  Martin turned slightly and Tobias stared. "Is that a steel plug?"

  "Ah, yes, something new we've just got in. You like?"

  Tobias shrugged, one hand playing over Noah's shoulders. "I've got a fondness for glass, at the moment."

  "Oh, nice," Gregory approved. "Here he comes."

  Martin walked toward them, going to his knees and shuffling the last five feet, his eyes down and the glass carefully held up for his Master. Gregory took it without a word, but once he'd put it on the table he favored Martin with a deep kiss, one hand going to the boy's crotch to fondle him.

  Tobias caught movement out of the corner of his eye as Noah reached forward and gave his cock a couple of quick hard tugs. Apparently Noah's nerves were making it difficult to maintain his erection with his thoughts alone. He seemed to settle quite a bit, however, as Martin joined them at the table; a lead to follow, another boy to take cues from, perhaps.

  "Gregory." A tall man in black leather stopped alongside their table and offered his hand to Gregory. A Frenchman by the look of him -- something about the way he stood and the full day's shadow on his chin gave him away. He had a submissive with him, Tobias noted, following the lead he held loosely in his fingers to a boy on his hands and knees behind him. From his angle, the boy appeared to be completely naked apart from his thick collar, and he was sporting the marks of a recent flogging on his shoulders and ass.

  "It is a pleasure to see you," the man added, speaking carefully and with a thick French accent as he shook Gregory's hand.

  "And you," Gregory said with a smile. "Jean-Pierre, have you met Tobias? He's over from America and has kindly graced us. Please, sit!"

  "Ah, no," Jean-Pierre turned to Tobias and shook his hand as well. "It is a pleasure. America, you say? How long will you be visiting?" He moved past Tobias and took a seat at the table. His boy crawled to Jean-Pierre's feet and lowered his head and elbows to the floor. This time Tobias got a good view of the wide black base of the plug in the boy's ass and the metal cage locked around his cock and balls.

  It was beginning to look like Noah was decidedly under-decorated.

  "Just the week," Tobias said to Jean-Pierre. "So we're doing as much as we can fit in." He leaned back in his chair and rested a hand on Noah's shoulder for a moment, squeezing it gently. "Mostly sightseeing and shopping so far, however. Oh, and enjoying a great deal of food, as well."

  "This is good. There is much to see in the city." Jean-Pierre leaned over and removed his boy's lead. He ordered him to the bar in a curt manner and the boy crawled away, never standing all the way there. "This is Michel, he is, how do you say... punished, yes? Punished this evening. He is often more light, you see? But not tonight."

  He looked down at Noah and tilted his head to the side, perusing Noah's body slowly with his eyes. "And your boy, he has nice cock, yes? He is good boy?"

  Tobias smiled. "He's a good boy," he said easily. "Sometimes too good -- punishment is rare, and I usually flog him simply because I want to. Not that there's anything wrong with that," he added with a wry grin. He tugged on Noah's harness and said, "Show off for us, pet. Let the Master take a better look at you."

  Noah stood, raising himself tall. His posture, as ever, was perfect -- head high, chin level and eyes low, and his forearms were clasped neatly at his lower back. He even arched slightly, which was a nice touch, showing off his erection and his muscular thighs.

  Jean-Pierre was duly impressed, and Tobias felt his chest fill proudly. The man looked Noah over critically, standing to get the view from behind as well. "He is beautiful, yes. Very nice. Where do you find these two, Gregory? His trousers must be your work, yes?"

  "Andre fit them, from my work," Gregory said. "Really, Tobias, let the boy kneel, he's far too tempting."

  Tobias grinned and pointed to the floor, stroking Noah's hair when he was settled. "My apologies," he said, blatantly unapologetic.

  Gregory snorted and looked at Jean-Pierre. "I found Tobias a decade ago in a bar somewhat like this," he began expansively.

  Tobias laughed and picked up his crop. "Stop right there."

  With a grin, Gregory sat back in his chair, his legs spreading as he tugged Martin to kneel between them. He didn't appear to pay any attention as Martin began to nuzzle his balls through his trousers. "We could talk about how Jean-Pierre found me."

  "Oui, oui, I could do that." Jean-Pierre grinned at Gregory and then looked at Tobias. "I was looking for a designer for a leather, eh, hangs from ceiling..." The man waved his hand slightly over his head.

  "Sling," Gregory said helpfully.

  "Sling, yes," he repeated for Tobias, his voice as rich as his accent.

  "Total deprivation suspension," Gregory clarified further.

  "Yes, just so. Exactly. I was turned away from two different shops in the city because what I want was complicated, yes? Specific. But Gregory, he said no problem. It is a very nice piece. I insist on trying these things myself before I use them on the boy, and so when I went to pick it up, Gregory," he glanced at Gregory again. "He very kindly tied me up."

  When he looked back at Tobias, he was still grinning, but he leaned over and spoke more quietly. "It was not the experience I expected it to be, you know? Gregory give me the full treatment, so to say, yes? He is lucky I did not kill him after."

  Michel returned with Jean-Pierre's drink, crawling to his feet. Jean-Pierre took the glass and then pointed at the floor, and the boy sat on his heels, then folded forward with his forearms and forehead flat on the floor. Jean-Pierre leaned over and whispered something in French and then stroked a hand lightly from the boy's hair down to his rump where he gave the plug a twist and a push. Michel moaned.

  Noah, for his part, seemed as if he were ignoring the conversation and the other boys completely.

  Tobias grinned at Gregory and tugged at Noah's hair. "You're either very brave or foolish. Not that Jean-Pierre seems to mind, in hindsight." He bent over and stroked Noah's face. "Fetch me some water, pet."

  Noah stood and gave Tobias a small nod, then made his way across the room to the bar. To his credit, he didn't rush, and he didn't look back at the heads that turned while he waited his turn.

  "Ah, no. Gregory and I occasionally keep each other sharp, now." Jean-Pierre looked over at Gregory and grinned.

  Tobias had his ears on Jean-Pierre but his eyes on Noah as his boy pointed to a bottle of spring water on a shelf behind the bar.

  "No one will touch him," Gregory said, one hand lying flat on the table. The other he tangled in Martin's hair as the boy continued to tease him.

  "I know," Tobias said with a nod. "But I like to watch him." He glanced at Jean-Pierre and shrugged one shoulder. "It's hard not to." He looked back and watched as the bartender gave Noah a glass full of ice and the bottle of water. "You two really play with each other?"

  "Of course!" Gregory said happily. The hand on the table flexed suddenly, and he moaned. "That's it, boy. A little more and I'll let you suck it."

  Tobias rolled his eyes and watched Noah come back to him, his gaze going first to Noah's erection.

  "He is lovely to watch, yes." Jean-Pierre was defin
itely watching, and Tobias noted that he kept his eyes on Noah while the boy set the glass down, filled it from the bottle and then knelt once again next to Tobias' chair. "Lovely." Jean-Pierre sipped his drink again.

  "You have a collection of admirers, pet," Tobias said as he picked up his glass. "Well, one or two, anyway. I'm sure that when Martin is allowed to actually look at you he'll be added to the count."

  Gregory laughed, the sound tight. His face was beginning to flush and his hand was flexing rhythmically. "Martin will adore him. Just not yet."

  "Oh, don't let us interrupt. Happy to watch, aren't we, Jean-Pierre?"

  Jean-Pierre laughed. "Just so, Martin has excellent skill, Gregory tells me." He finished his drink and sent Michel off for another. "You belong to club like this in America?"

  The Frenchman turned his head at a deep grunting sound and Tobias followed his gaze. Not five feet away, a man had his sub bent over a table and was going at him hard. "Seems a bit early in the evening for that, no?"

  Tobias made a show of looking at his watch. "It is, actually." He watched the pair for a moment, taking in the sub's obvious pleasure at being so used and turned back to Gregory. "I think I'd rather watch Gregory getting his cock sucked, though."

  It wasn't so much the watching, or even the fact that Gregory was someone he knew and the other pair were strangers; the look in the submissive's eyes reminded him too much of how Noah had been when Tobias had taken him in the parking lot. It made his prick fill, made him want. So he watched Gregory instead.

  Noah remained quiet but leaned his head into Tobias' fingers a bit more as Michel returned with his Master's drink.

  "Indeed. Oui," Jean-Pierre nodded. He accepted his drink from Michel. "Do you want to watch them, boy?" he asked, but the boy hesitated before answering. "Tell me the truth, I will not punish you for the answer, my darling."

  Michel looked uncertain but nodded his head yes.

  "You have been good boy tonight. You kneel here, and you watch Martin, yes? Is good." He gave Michel a pat on the rump and then the boy knelt, raising his eyes to Martin but no farther.

  "An audience, boy," Gregory said, the hand in Martin's hair tightening. "Just the way you like it."