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Discipline Page 21

  Tobias shrugged and sipped the water. "As many as I ask for," he said with a grin. "Seriously? He could probably take two more now, three if I told him he could come."

  He passed the water bottle back and went to Noah before Jean-Pierre could reply. "Good, pet," he praised Noah, turning his head with his hand and plunging his tongue into Noah's mouth. His cock throbbed at the familiar taste, and he pulled back. "Very, very good."

  He began to undo the cuffs, smiling at Michel. "Both of you."

  "Oui, très bien!" Jean-Pierre added, grinning as he freed Michel from his cuffs as well. Michel went right to his knees. "Mais, non! My darling, stand up now, you are not being punished any longer, you know?" The boy seemed to have forgotten and was grinning all over again as he stood. Jean-Pierre kissed him and clipped his lead back to his collar.

  Noah rubbed at his wrists for a moment after they were freed and then leaned against Tobias, still seeming a bit unsteady on his feet.

  "Easy," Tobias whispered, hands going to Noah's waist. He looked around and took yet another offered water bottle, smiling his thanks to the man giving it to them. "Here." He held the bottle to Noah's mouth and let the boy take several swallows before he lowered it. "Better?"

  Noah nodded, and did seem better for the cool water. He reached down and slipped his fingers around the lead attached to his chest harness and pressed it into Tobias' hand. The crowd started to break up.

  "It is a shame he goes back to America," Jean-Pierre said to Gregory as he sat down at the table again. He pulled Michel onto his lap and pulled the key to the boy's cock-cage out of his pocket.

  "Please, we'd spend all our time trying to keep up," Gregory protested with a grin. "And where's the fun in that?"

  Tobias shook his head and laughed as he sat back down. "I didn't even take off my tie," he pointed out. "And you know very well that it's the boy's strength, not mine, that matters." He petted Noah, urging him to kneel as close as he could, touching him as much as he could. He was half tempted to pull Noah into his lap, but he wanted to see how he was reacting to the marks before he did that. Still, though... if he was about to watch Jean-Pierre bring his boy off, something had to give before he ruined his trousers.

  Noah took the cues well, kneeling with full contact along Tobias' leg and resting his head on Tobias' knees.

  Michel moaned as the cage was removed and gasped when Jean-Pierre took his prick in his fingers. It grew hard almost the moment it was freed from the restraint, and Jean-Pierre praised the boy quietly as he started to stroke.

  Tobias bit back a moan, more for his own sake than Michel's, although the boy was lovely. He stroked over Noah's hair again and down so one finger could trace the silver collar. His collar on his boy, his marks on his boy, his boy being absolutely, perfectly well behaved. Pride swelled him, the high settling over him as he glanced down at where Noah rested against him.

  He heard the growl coming from his chest even before he'd realized he was making it, and then he bent over, urging Noah to come to him, to crawl up his body and feel him, to curl against him and be held.

  "Oh, a double feature," Gregory murmured with a smile.

  Noah slipped into Tobias' arms easily, pressing warm fingers against the bulge in his trousers. Noah was pliable and warm and entirely focused on Tobias as he kissed Tobias' jaw and offered his mouth.

  In the background Tobias heard Michel gasp and sigh and Jean-Pierre's soft encouraging voice.

  Tobias kissed Noah quickly, taking his mouth almost brutally as he pushed into Noah's hand. He moaned into the kiss and sucked Noah's tongue for a moment, then let him go. "Watch," he urged, turning Noah slightly. "Watch and wait. I'll take care of you."

  He settled Noah in his lap and slipped his hand down, skimming Noah's erection and cupping his balls before sliding two fingers farther back, dancing over the entrance to Noah's body.

  "Maybe you should stay," Gregory said hoarsely, and Tobias spared him a quick glance, unsurprised to see Martin once more between his Master's thighs.

  Noah's gaze was on Michel's erection and on the hand that was working it smoothly, rhythmically, almost hypnotically. Jean-Pierre's boy whimpered and moaned and started to rock his hips not so much into his Master's fingers but back to ride his plug.

  "Ah, good boy," Jean-Pierre encouraged. "You see? Noah watches you, he knows you are a good boy. Mon garçon. My darling. Is good?"

  Michel nodded enthusiastically, and then his breath caught and he started to shudder. Noah gasped and reached back to push his hand against Tobias' bulge again.

  Tobias moaned softly and pushed into Noah's touch, watching Michel flex and shake, chasing his orgasm. His eyes were starting to drift shut, the shaking increasing, and Tobias' cock throbbed under the heat of Noah's hand. He could hear the wet sounds of Martin sucking on Gregory and he could feel Noah's urgency build. His poor boy was likely in pain, having been hard for so very long.

  He pushed his fingers against Noah's hole and arched slightly. "Touch me, pet," he whispered. "I want you."

  Jean-Pierre pulled Michel tight against his chest as the boy's hips began to jerk through his grip. The next moment he shot, and Jean-Pierre pushed the boy's cock hard to his skin so the spunk soaked Michel's belly, his chest, and all the way up to his chin.

  Noah groaned and his fingers deftly tugged at Tobias' fly, pushed past the rich fabric, and tightened around Tobias' prick. He turned in Tobias' lap so his back was to Tobias' chest, spread his legs wide to straddle his lap, and started to stroke Tobias as if he were stroking himself.

  Jean-Pierre grinned and made a comment to Gregory that Tobias saw around Noah but couldn't hear. Michel had disappeared between the man's thighs and was already mouthing the rigid length under Jean-Pierre's trousers.

  With a gasp and a roll of his hips, Tobias quickly sucked on his fingers, watching both Michel and Martin as they serviced their Masters. Noah was stroking him the way he liked it best, paying attention to what Tobias needed, and Tobias felt himself swell even more.

  He shifted enough that he could open Noah, pushing two wet fingers in deep.

  "That's it," Gregory said, and Tobias didn't know if it was to Martin or him, or even Michel. He didn't really care.

  Noah gasped and leaned forward a little to give Tobias' hand more room, bearing down on his fingers. His hand stuttered, just for a moment, and then continued stroking slowly.

  Michel had Jean-Pierre's cock down his throat and was making more noise than his Master was. Jean-Pierre was sipping a drink with one hand and holding a cigarette with the other.

  Tobias worked his fingers deeper into Noah, moving quickly. His boy was going to ache in the morning for more reasons than he could really count right then, but he didn’t want to hurt him. He felt Noah ripple around his fingers and he bit down on the nearest piece of skin he could reach. "Good boy," he growled. "Open up for me, sweetheart. Want to fuck you."

  Noah moaned and lifted his hips, pressing Tobias' erection backward toward his hole. "Please," he started to beg, but caught himself before saying anything more.

  Tobias ignored the slip, his cock actually leaping at the sound of Noah's voice begging for him. He panted, trying not to groan as he lifted Noah's hips and began to push in, steadying his boy as he eased Noah down onto his prick.

  "Oh, sweet," Gregory purred, and Tobias could see him moving out of the corner of his eye, leaning forward over Martin's head. "Boy, watch. No, I... yes, that's it. Stop, watch. Use your hand."

  Tobias bit his lip, Noah sinking a little more, taking more of him with a low moan. Taking him mostly dry should have been hurting, but Noah didn't seem to mind.

  Finally Noah's ass sat flush on Tobias thighs and he hissed, shifting once and then again before he fumbled for Tobias' hand and pressed it to his erection. "Oh, sir," he breathed and didn't seem to notice he'd said anything at all this time.

  "God," Tobias whispered. He couldn't remember the last time Noah had felt to tight, so incredible. He fumbled with the ti
es around Noah's cock, his eyes closing as he concentrated. Suddenly there was another hand there, and his eyes flew open to see Martin on his knees before them, quick fingers sliding with his own.

  His cock throbbed and he thrust up hard.

  Noah grunted. He was already breathing unevenly. "Fuck, yes." He arched forward, trying to find some leverage of his own. The slight bend in his shoulders put the red welts from the bullwhip directly in Tobias' line of vision. "Martin...?" Noah's voice sounded surprised, but as Martin got the laces open, Noah groaned heavily, relieved. "Yes, yes... the ring? Sir? Ache, so hard, please, please."

  Noah was somewhere else at the moment, somewhere that only he and his Master -- and apparently Martin, too -- could go. Tobias felt his boy's need as keenly as his own.

  "Take it off," Tobias ground out, his hips rocking and his cock sliding in and out of Noah in short thrusts. "Take it off him, now!"

  Martin looked back at Gregory and Tobias pushed his palm over the slippery, wet head of Noah's erection. At Gregory's nod, Martin's fingers joined his, wrapping around Noah and tugging at the cock ring.

  "Christ," Gregory breathed, stroking himself. "Tobias--"

  Tobias ignored him, ignored everything but the way Noah felt around him, moved on him. He thrust again, spread Noah's pre-come around, and just took in the scent of him. He bent forward and licked nearest welt.

  Noah hissed at the warm tongue on hot skin. "Oh, God! Off, off, please! " he growled, and in the end it wasn't Tobias or Martin that managed to get the ring free; Noah savagely yanked the snap loose himself and tossed it on the table. "Fuck... oh, God, yeah." He started to come almost instantly, tightening around Tobias' intrusion and gulping in air.

  Tobias caught one sight of Noah's come falling on Martin's face, and then Noah tightened around him like a fist and his head fell back. "Ah, fuck!" Tobias grunted, slamming into Noah and riding his boy's orgasm as his own welled up impossibly fast. He pushed again and came, the world fracturing around him as his climax was almost torn from him.

  He felt Noah collapse backward against him panting harshly. "Master, so good, love you. Oh, God..." Noah whispered softly in his ear.

  As the rush in Tobias' ears quieted down it was Jean-Pierre's voice he heard next. "I don't think he hears us."

  Tobias kissed Noah just above his ear and looked over at Jean-Pierre. "I'm sorry, you said something? I was a little busy."

  "Indeed!" Jean-Pierre laughed loudly. "We only were saying how beautiful the two of you are together and, eh, how you say, in tune, yes? How in tune you are with your boy. Michel, water for them both, please. Quickly."

  Apparently Tobias had missed the climax of Michel's efforts as well, because Michel jumped to his feet and ran off to the bar.

  Tobias blinked slowly, not quite back in his right mind. "We're good together," he said softly. He turned his head and kissed Noah again. "Beautiful, sweetheart," he whispered.

  Carefully, he lifted Noah a little so his softening cock could slide out; the warm trickle of his come that slid down Noah's thigh made him growl, his natural possessiveness as satiated as he was.

  "Everyone survive?" he asked as Michel came back with water. He pulled Noah tight against him, holding him close.

  Jean-Pierre nodded. He looked completely unruffled. "Better than you, it seems. Cigarette?" He tapped the pack so one stuck out and held out the pack out to Tobias. Michel set the water on the table and knelt, upright this time, at Jean-Pierre's side.

  "No, thank you," Tobias said, shaking his head. "Feel too good to smoke."

  Noah shifted and sighed, pressing his forehead to the side of Tobias' neck. He was heavy and limp and, by the sound of his breathing, quite possibly dozing.

  "You come to Paris often? What are your plans for the rest of the week, eh?" Jean-Pierre asked curiously. He opened a bottle of water and handed it to Tobias.

  "This is the first time in ten years," Tobias said, taking the water. "Thank you."

  "He abandoned us," Gregory said with a dramatic sigh.

  "It was a vacation!" It was also an old argument.

  "So you say."

  Tobias rolled his eyes, smiling. He took a mouthful of water and swallowed happily, not sure when he'd become so parched. "We're here as a gift to the boy, and to talk over our new contract," he said to Jean-Pierre. "The rest of the week will be taken up with seeing more of Paris, talking a lot, and, I expect, handing out a few spankings."

  Michel giggled softly at the mention of spankings, and Jean-Pierre swatted him affectionately on the head. "The boys get tired later at night, yes? Noah, he talk a lot in a club where he is not to be heard, but no one will frown on him after such a performance. Boys who know better, though..." Jean-Pierre frowned playfully down at Michel who looked contrite but couldn't contain his grin.

  Tobias grinned. "They're good boys, and Noah did very well." He pet Noah carefully to avoid his welts. "However, he was... not silent." His smile grew. "I think he'll be pleased about that, actually -- he seems fond of my hand warming his ass."

  "And your crop, too. You have changed my mind about Americans, Tobias, they are often more bravado than skill, but you are not so. I am impressed." Jean-Pierre looked over at Gregory. "I am going to send Michel to clean up; you want Martin to go also?"

  "Goodness, yes. Not that I think your lad's come is nasty, Tobias, but it's all over my boy." He made a face and shooed Martin off with Michel before leaning over. "Is he asleep?"

  "He seems to be," Tobias said, "but I can't swear to it. Why?"

  "You fucked him bare, man. Is that normal for you?"

  Tobias resisted the urge to laugh. "With Noah, yes."

  "Gregory." Jean-Pierre slapped at the man's arm. "Be polite. His boy, his way, yeah? Surely they have an agreement." He looked at Tobias for confirmation.

  "Of course." Tobias looked down at Noah, uncaring of the club, their opinions, of anything other than the fact that he loved Noah so much it made him ache. "We're... serious, though that's not really the word for it. Aside from contracts or agreements -- we go beyond that."

  "It shows." Jean-Pierre nodded, giving Tobias a smile. "How long have you been together?"

  "Six months." It sounded like such a short time. The only other time he'd felt this sure of anything had been with Phan, which was a sobering thought.

  "So that was a provisional contract then? And you'll be renegotiating for long-term?"

  Tobias nodded. "And live-in, as well as defining some new rules about play and boundaries."

  "Uh?" Noah mumbled, still half-sleeping against Tobias.

  "Good luck with it," Jean-Pierre said with a wink.

  "Thanks," Tobias said dryly. "Shh, sweetheart. I've got you."

  Noah sat up a bit and reached up to rub between his eyes with the heel of his hand. "I..." he shut his mouth quickly, suddenly remembering where he was. He turned to Tobias and his brow furrowed. He looked like he was trying to ask for something and was obviously frustrated with his inability to speak. He made a sort of hose gesture near his dick and sighed dramatically.

  "Bathroom?" Jean-Pierre asked, and Noah turned in his direction and tapped a finger on his nose. Jean-Pierre just laughed.

  Tobias laughed with him. "Off you go, then. The other two are cleaning up as well; see if you can't hurry them a bit, pet." As Noah climbed off him, Tobias made a show of putting himself back in his trousers. "And find me a damp cloth, please."

  Noah nodded at him and wandered off stiffly, his path a little roundabout and his steps sleep addled. Tobias assumed his ass was working against him, too, and the way Noah had to clutch at his laces to keep his chaps up was adorable.

  Grinning, he looked back at Jean-Pierre and Gregory. "Well?"

  "You've got a fine lad," Gregory said with a smile. He lifted a water bottle and inclined it toward Tobias as a toast. "Here's to a new contract, a long time with him, and may you return to show off for us again."

  Tobias lifted his own bottle, his grin growing wider. "I'll drin
k to that."

  Tobias was more than hopeful that he'd get exactly what Gregory had wished for them; his confidence had grown to the point that he had every intention of moving them into negotiations as soon as they'd had some sleep. With that thought, he went to find his suit jacket; it was time to take Noah back to their bed for the night.

  Noah returned just after Tobias did, laced up and looking more awake and less disheveled. The chaps didn't have quite the same effect in the front with his prick soft, but it looked pretty good anyway. He was flanked by Michel and Martin, who were both looking refreshed themselves.

  Carefully, Noah knelt by Tobias' chair with the cloth that Tobias had requested.

  "He looks stiff," Jean-Pierre told Gregory with a grin.

  "He does, doesn't he?" Gregory replied, winking. "He'll be moving slow tomorrow."

  Tobias nodded, dabbing at the assorted bits of mess on his trousers with the cloth. "And on that note, I think I'll take him home and put him to bed. Ridden hard and put away wet doesn't make for a healthy boy, does it, pet?" He tossed the cloth on the table and picked up Noah's lead. "Thank you for the entertainment," he said to Jean-Pierre.

  Jean-Pierre stood, and so did his boy. "A pleasure meeting you, Tobias," he said with a smile and shook Tobias' hand. "We will meet again, I hope."

  Michel gave Tobias a respectful bow.

  Noah got to his feet slowly and followed Michel's lead with a shallow bow to both Jean-Pierre and Gregory, and then stood slightly behind Tobias' shoulder. He was looking sleepy again.

  Tobias laughed and shook his head at Noah before exchanging a quick embrace and a kiss on each cheek with Gregory. It was one of the few ways Gregory had embraced European life, and Tobias had long suspected it was simply to gather more kisses from everyone. "Thank you, Gregory. I'll be in touch, and I suspect I'll have another order for you soon."

  "Oh, I like the sound of that," Gregory said with a smile. "Take care of yourself, old man."

  "I will. Goodnight."

  The three men exchanged another fast round of well wishes, and Tobias led Noah to the doors, taking only a few moments to gather their overcoats. "Let's get you back to the hotel, sleepy boy," Tobias said fondly as they stepped out. There was a car waiting for them, which pleased him to no end; the club was very efficient.