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Page 8

  "No," Tobias said coldly, stabbing his fingers into Noah. He was fairly sure that Noah's cry covered the sound of the lube cap. He slicked himself generously and tossed the lube aside, twisting his fingers in Noah again. "Dry, whore. Going to just shove my cock in you and take you dry."

  "No!" Noah begged. He twisted to look at Tobias. "No, please, no..."

  The look in Noah's eyes seemed so sincere, but there was no safeword among the words with which he begged so prettily, and Tobias knew them to be only play. "Oh, yes," Tobias promised. He moved closer, right behind Noah, and took a breath. "Oh, yes, my whore, my slut. You know I will." He pulled his fingers out and grabbed his cock, lining up and pushing in as quickly as he dared.

  Noah writhed and cried out. He tugged on his wrists and tried to shove Tobias off with his body, but he was well restrained and gave up quickly. "Bastard!" He dropped his head over his arms and panted heavily.

  "Pervert, at this point," Tobias corrected. "Oh, God." He'd been so intent on getting Noah in the right mindset that he hadn't really prepared himself for the sensation. Noah was tighter than usual, and with less lube the friction was more intense. "Jesus, you feel good." He thrust experimentally.

  Noah moved a bit on him and moaned. "So fucking huge," he said, panting. Tobias could feel him tense a bit, relax, and then tense again, already so close.

  "Gonna fill you, whore," Tobias growled, trying to push the fantasy to the end. "Come-hole. Made to take my cock, made to be my fuck toy." He rammed into Noah's ass and reached around to stroke Noah's cock. He found it leaking an almost constant stream onto the floor. "All primed, slut," he murmured, thrusting deep again.

  "Jesus. Oh, God, all right, you win! I'll be your whore, your fucking hole. Fine, anything... just don't... don't stop." Noah slipped visibly into the early stages of his climax, arching back to take Tobias deep, grunting and starting to tremble. "Good. Oh, God, so good..."

  Grunting, Tobias pulled out completely, leaving Noah to cry out for an instant before slamming back in, going deep.

  "Again, again!" Noah screamed.

  Tobias did it again, waiting until Noah was moaning from feeling empty before pounding into him. "Take it," he groaned. "Take my cock." The third time he pulled out, he shoved a finger in along with his cock.

  Noah shouted, and his hips started to jerk as he finally came, shooting his musk-scented spunk all over the study floor. He tightened around Tobias like a vice. "Oh, fuck, yes, yes!"

  Tobias would have shouted his agreement, but he could barely breathe. He rocked steadily through Noah's orgasm, letting it milk his cock, letting Noah's ass massage his dick until he came hard enough that he saw spots. "Oh, God," he finally managed to say, trying not to fall onto Noah's back. "Jesus Christ."

  Noah groaned and collapsed over his own knees, panting harshly. It was a couple of minutes before he was able to speak, and the first words out of his mouth were about his fingers. "Sir... lamp cord..." he grunted.

  Tobias swore and pulled out, falling to the side as he reached for the cord. "Damn it!" He tugged and Noah's hands came away from the desk, and in another moment he had them free and was massaging the wrists. "Move your fingers for me," he demanded. There wasn't much discoloration, but he'd get the arnica in a moment and some ice. "Are your fingers numb?"

  Noah moved them. "They're fine. I'm fine." He leaned into Tobias and gave him a reassuring smile. "They were just now starting to go numb. I'd have used my words if I needed to, I promise. I'm fine." Noah leaned up and kissed him, and Tobias could feel Noah's heart pounding in his chest.

  "Okay. We'll take care of it anyway, though." Tobias kissed him back, adrenaline racing. "God, that was good," he breathed. "Better than I thought it would be."

  "Fucking hot." Noah grinned. "You're a dirty old pervert. I, of course, had no idea I was such a slut." He winked.

  Tobias laughed. "I did. From the first moment, I knew. My slut."

  "Yes, sir. Your slut, your whore, whatever you want to call me, I'll answer to it." He was grinning broadly.

  "Good." Tobias grinned back at him. "Let's start with 'pet,' and add on 'clean this up after I see to your wrists,' shall we?"

  Noah glanced around at the wrecked office so smugly it almost made Tobias laugh. "Yes, sir."

  "Yeah, yeah, you did good." Tobias kissed him again and slapped his ass. "I think that's a keeper, boy. And the shirt is yours." Boy, was it his. Tobias smiled and took one more kiss from his slut before finally getting up and going for ice.

  He didn't even care if the lamp was broken.

  Chapter 7

  This week, Noah had added "fatten up Phan" to his list of things to do. Tonight was comfort food -- grilled cheese, fries, and chocolate milkshakes for dessert. How much really got eaten remained to be seen, but he had a plan. He'd talked to Bradford earlier in the day, just to touch base and make sure it was okay for them to get together, and Bradford told him nothing was going to stop Phan from visiting; he'd been talking about it for a full day. Bradford did ask that Noah try to keep his tone respectful, that Phan was still getting used to curbing his speech again. Easy enough to do.

  The doorbell sent Noah jogging to answer it.

  "Hello," he said, smiling at Phan as he opened the door.

  "Hi," Phan said, his smile almost shy. The smile made Noah realize he'd actually missed Phan of late. "Um. Brought flavored water this time. Bradford said that whatever you had would take care of the caffeine, and he wants me sensible in the morning." The smile widened. "This stuff is loaded with sugar."

  Noah grinned. "You're a nut. Come in. Give me your coat. There's comfort food in the kitchen."

  Phan tugged his battered leather coat off and passed it over as he moved past Noah in the hall. "Comfort? You mean like popcorn and chocolate? Mac and cheese?"

  "Grilled cheese and fries." Noah hung up his coat and herded him along. "And chocolate for dessert." He stopped in the middle of the kitchen and gave Phan a hug. "It's so good to see you. You look great."

  Phan hugged him back, his head resting on Noah's shoulder for a moment. "I look like hell," he corrected. "But that's okay. Not a worry, anyway. Thanks for letting me come back."

  "Well, okay," Noah conceded, "You do look better than I expected, though. And don't be stupid, you know I like these visits. Sit."

  With a snort Phan said, "Yes, sir," and plopped himself into his chair. "Oh, yum. Masses of trans-fats. Yay!"

  "Just the thing to put a positive spin on the evening, don't you think?" Noah laughed, and served fries. "So how is Master Bradford?"


  "Scary?" Noah raised an eyebrow and sat. "Scary how?"

  "Scary the way only a man on a mission can be. He's really intense, Noah. Or maybe I'm just out of practice." Phan reached for a fry. "That's probably it. It's been a while since I had so many rules. He glares."

  Noah laughed. "Yeah, he does. And he doesn't budge at all. If he wants you still and you twitch a finger, you're in the doghouse. I remember that about him."

  "He sighs a lot, too." Phan grinned and grabbed another fry. "That's worse. That whole 'you aren't paying attention again, Phantom, and you know what that means...' thing. I think he actually has three sighs."

  "Oh? What are they?" Noah was genuinely interested. He took a big bite of his sandwich and watched Phan.

  Phan looked thoughtful as he chewed, and as soon as he'd swallowed he reached for the water bottle he'd brought. The label said it was raspberry, and it hissed when the top was loosened, the bubbles suddenly active. With a weary sigh, Phan poured a glass. "That's the 'I've told you three times' sigh. It gets followed by 'Phantom. Corner.'"

  He winked and drank, then set the glass down carefully. He gave a barely audible sigh and shook his head. "That's the 'Okay, enough for now, you can expect two more strokes' sigh. The last one, though, I hear all the damn time. It's loud and obvious and so put on it makes me cringe."

  Noah chuckled and leaned forward to pour himself some as well. "What? Wh
at is it?" He was grinning.

  "Oh, roughly?" Phan grinned back and then put on a glower. "It means 'Phantom, you are a very naughty boy and I know you can learn, but God didn't have enough patience in his bag to make anyone deal with the kind of shit you give me, so I think I'll just stare at you until you figure out what you've done wrong, apologize, correct the error, and swear to never ever do it again. And then you may push your nose into the carpet 'cause I'm gonna spank your ass in a not fun way.' But just roughly."

  Noah covered his mouth. Maybe he shouldn't laugh at that? Except it was hilarious, and he couldn't hold it back. He let himself laugh out loud, leaning back in his chair. "Oh... oh, my side hurts..." he said finally with a gasp. "Oh, Phan, you really are out of practice, aren't you?" His laughter didn't fade one bit.

  "I'm almost hopeless," Phan said, giggling madly and reaching for his sandwich. "But I got three less spankings today than I did yesterday."

  The fact that Phan was glad to receive fewer spankings wasn't at all lost on Noah. "Well, that's a start." He was still giggling. "How many total did you get today?"


  Noah winced. "Damn."

  "Uh-huh. Told you he was scary."

  "I think the highest number of punishment strokes Sir has ever given me was six? Maybe seven." And Noah had found that to be quite enough, thank you.

  "Master Tobias and Master Bradford are... different," Phan said thoughtfully. "Not that one is necessarily a better Dom, but their methods and attitudes about things are their own. And I'm not used to having so many rules. It's been years since I've been under 24/7."

  "Even I don't do that... " Noah acknowledged but quickly added, "Yet," with a grin.

  Phan grinned back at him and lifted his glass. "Yet," he agreed with a nod. "How are things, anyway? I haven't talked to Sir at all. Has he calmed down any?"

  Noah nodded sagely. "Oh, yes, we took care of his tension over the weekend. I suggested a rent boy that liked it rough and let him tie me up with a lamp cord and fuck me." He grinned. That had been so fucking hot. Tobias had been positively animalistic. Noah sighed wistfully. "It was great."

  Phan winked. "He does like restraints."

  "No restraints. He chased me around his office, called me raunchy names like 'whore' and 'come-hole,' and then forced himself on me. In-scene of course. Tied me up with the cord on that blue porcelain lamp. Jesus, I'm getting hard just thinking about it." That wasn't a lie.

  Phan choked on his sandwich. "He what? Jesus Christ, Noah. Warn me before you say shit like that!" He reached for the water, still coughing. "You're serious?"

  Noah blinked at him. "Of course I'm serious. It was just a scene, Phan, he didn't actually hurt me. A couple of bruises, no big deal."

  "But he doesn't do that! Well, not that I could ever get him to do, anyway. Not rough like that -- I mean a hard fuck, sure, but nothing like force." Phan looked at him with something like awe on his face. "Damn, you lucky bastard. And thanks, now I've got wood. Prick."

  Noah couldn't help the swell of smug pride he felt. Tobias hadn't done that with Phan, even though Phan had apparently asked for it. It probably shouldn't matter to him, but it did. "He loved it. Took him a minute to warm up, but once he was there he was so into it. I am a lucky bastard aren't I?" Noah snickered and munched on a fry.

  "Uh-huh. And he really... did he...?" Phan swallowed, apparently forgetting his food. This was becoming a theme, although the flushed skin was new. "Did he really chase you and call you names? Did he... um. Did he pin you down and threaten you?"

  Noah nodded, giving up on fighting the rigid presence resting on his thigh. "Knocked over a chair and an end table, swept half the shit off his desk, knocked me to the floor with his weight and pinned me. It was so hot, Phan. He kissed me so hard my lip bled." He was a little breathless after that description, and he reached for his drink.

  Phan moaned, his tongue darting out to lick his lower lip. "Oh, man. And you could fight back? You tried, right? I mean, it was a struggle?" He was shifting in his chair.

  "I tried to fight back. I'm pretty strong, but he's heavy, you know? We definitely struggled. I got away from him a couple of times, but once he got me on the floor I knew I'd lost, he's just too big. He got the cord around my hands, lashed me to the leg of his desk, and shackled me with my jeans." Noah swallowed, remembering, the words pouring from him completely uncensored. "He fucking skewered me. Just drove in over and over... and then he did this thing, where he pulled all the way out you know? And then slammed back in again? I came so hard I was dizzy."

  "Excuse me." Phan carefully stood up, his erection obvious. "I'll be in the bathroom for a moment. Bastard."

  Noah blinked as Phan left the room, still half inside the memory himself. He was surprised, shocked actually, to find himself resisting a strong urge to call him back. To blow Phan right there in his kitchen. It took every ounce of his restraint not to chase after him. He thought about how he'd laughed off Dr. Brewer's warning that awful night, about how Phan, unable or unwilling to speak for himself, had asked her to make sure Noah understood the extent of the attraction Phan had for him, and to tell him that he should, please, politely ignore it if Phan got hard while they were together.

  He looked out the kitchen door again in the direction of the bathroom, confused by his still-present urge to follow Bradford's boy. Tobias hadn't given them any such permission, and the last thing he wanted to do was be a hypocrite. So he watched Phan go, and then went and stood, absurdly, in front of the open freezer. Jesus. He had to admit that the rough evening in Tobias' office sounded even hotter when he talked about it than it had actually been, if that was possible.

  It really didn't seem that long before Phan came back; Noah was still standing, staring at ice cream and frozen ground beef, the freezer only just starting to work for him. Warm arms slid around his waist, and Phan held him from behind. "God," he said, his voice muffled in Noah's back. "That's the hottest thing I've heard in a long, long time, Noah. Almost shot in my jeans, and that just doesn't happen to me."

  Noah bit his lip to keep from moaning. "First time for everything?" he offered, suddenly lightheaded. He put a hand on the freezer door to keep from leaning his weight into Phan. Phan smelled good, like sweat and a little musk. A healthy man-smell. "I, uh..." He cleared his throat and tried again. "Want a, uh, a milkshake or something?" he asked, still staring into the freezer.

  "Sure." Phan's hand rubbed a circle on his belly. "What do you want?" There was definitely an offer in the tone, but a certain amount of wariness as well, like a tentative pass, if there was such a thing.

  God, what didn't he want right then? Phan was warm and right there, and he was so hot when he was on his knees. Noah took a deep breath and exhaled heavily. Then he took Phan's hand in his and gently stepped out of his arms. "I can't, Phan," he said, with a soft smile, looking into Phan's eyes. "But, thank you."

  He got a sad smile and a nod. "Yeah. Maybe some other time." Phan turned and went to the cupboards, opening doors until he found the tall glasses. "I'll make the milkshakes. You go ahead."

  Noah didn't stick around long, grateful that they could be adult about this. He did give Phan a kiss on the cheek before disappearing into his tiny bathroom. He closed the door and leaned against it, knowing he'd made a good decision but feeling like an asshole for it all the same.

  He unbuttoned his jeans, spread his feet wider, and wrapped his fingers around his cock. Phan's offer had seemed completely genuine. Not like a regression thing, or a bid for his attention. There hadn't been any kind of mischief in it or a desire to go behind anyone's back; he was making an affectionate gesture, and a sweet one at that. Noah imagined Phan's mouth, remembering it from New Year's Eve, and was moaning in mere moments. He wasn't sure if this might be a betrayal too, hiding in his bathroom fantasizing about something he shouldn't but could have had.

  In his mind, Phan was on his knees, and he was grunting as Noah shoved his cock down his throat. Phan's fingers dug into his
ass. "Oh, yeah," he said out loud, though he hadn't meant to. "Fuck, yes." He was already on the edge, brought there by Phan's fingers on his belly. "Oh! Phan!" He grunted and shot, soaking his fingers and the edge of the sink.

  He blinked his eyes open, panting, and a little panicked. Quickly, he cleaned himself up and then the bathroom, washed his hands, buttoned up his fly, and splashed his face with cold water. By the time he made it back to the kitchen, Phan had what looked like masterpieces on the table.

  "Oh, my God."

  "Rich and creamy, and you're now out of chocolate sauce," Phan said, beaming. "I'm gonna be bouncing all the way back to Master's with this much sweet stuff." He picked up one of the glasses and peered at Noah. "You okay?"

  "Uh, yeah," Noah said, not actually sure if it was the truth. "A little embarrassed. This looks great." He took a seat and dug in, hoping to God that Phan changed the subject.

  Phan winked and picked up a spoon. "Too thick for a straw. And don't be embarrassed -- it was damn hot. Hell, tell Tobias you got off on it again. He'd get a kick out of it, maybe." He winked again and started licking his milkshake off the spoon.

  Noah had gotten hard off it, but he'd gotten off on Phan. He kept his eyes on his milkshake and sucked another bite off his spoon. "Maybe," he said. "So, uh, are you and Master Bradford... you know...?" Why had he asked that? Sex was the last thing he wanted to be talking about right now. He worked on his milkshake and didn't meet Phan's eyes.

  "God, no!" Phan laughed for a moment. "Not that I wouldn't, but we're not like that. He lets me get off sometimes, though, which is new. All of it's new, I guess. But at least I can react to the spanking now, and not fight on so many fronts at once."

  "That's good, right? I mean you're a sub, you should be allowed to, you know, get off on what subs get off on." Noah grinned. "You think it's better for you now? I mean now that you have structure? Do you think it's helping, or is it too soon to know yet?" Noah stuck his straw in and sucked in until his cheeks were hollow, but the shake was still too thick. "Damn, this is a good milkshake."