Discipline Read online

Page 7

  She looked surprised for a moment and then smiled broadly. "Thank you, Noah. I'm glad you're happy -- he certainly is, and I can't tell you how nice that is to see. You're a good boy, I know. And you'd best get that dinner on now, Tobias will be tired when he gets in." She winked at him again and stood up. "I'll tell him I had the floors done yesterday, so you can have some free time this weekend."

  "Thank you, ma'am," Noah said with a wink, realizing that she clearly knew more about the nature of his relationship with Tobias than she let on. He couldn't stop himself from blushing so he stood and took his cup to the sink to cover it. He took a deep skillet from the cabinet and then made his way to the fridge and pulled out the salmon.

  "You have a good weekend," she said, still smiling. "Try not to get in trouble." And then she was gone, leaving him there to cook for Tobias. He heard her going upstairs, and he heard her laughing to herself as she gathered her things. Noah decided, grinning despite his embarrassment, that, for now, their conversation would just stay their little secret.

  Chapter 6

  They were in the safe room. Saturday stretched out before them, the chores all done and both of them freshly showered. Tobias lay back on the bed, Noah naked between his legs with his head pillowed on Tobias' thigh.

  "I'm serious," Tobias said, one hand ruffling Noah's hair. "Anything you want. Your call, pet. Tell me."

  Noah thought about it for a bit. "Hmm... something raunchy." His voice sunk low in his chest. "Dirty-feeling. Useable, you know?" He drew a line down Tobias' leg with his finger. "Rent boy?"

  Tobias swallowed. "How much? High or low?"

  "One of those high priced, no limits boys," Noah said with a growl. "Boy to order."

  "Anything I want?" He felt his cock twitch and start to fill.

  "I said 'to order,' didn't I?" Noah's tone was playful. "Anything."

  "Rough?" Okay, that was more than a twitch; his prick was filling rather quickly.

  "Oh, yeah. This boy would love that. Rough, cocky, full-on struggle if you want one."

  Tobias rolled over. "Right then. What do I wear?" He got off the bed and crossed to the cabinets. "Suggestions?"

  "Well, you've got money..." Noah said with grin, rolling onto his stomach. "Rich, eccentric... Why does this sound so familiar?" he teased.

  "Maybe for the same reason that 'rough, cocky, and high priced' does," Tobias said with a grin. "Okay, trousers and a linen shirt, then. I don't want to know what you're wearing. Um. I'm thinking the office, ordering in a nice little snack while I'm working late? Anything I should get from the stables?"

  "Cuffs? Or will you be using your own brute force?" Noah grinned.

  Tobias growled. "I think I can manage." He would, however, remove a few objects from the room so they wouldn't get broken. And possibly add a few in -- things he'd been unable to actually throw away but could stand to never see again. Like that horrid vase in the living room.

  "The lube is in the little cabinet thing under the wall safe." Noah added, sliding off the bed. He was fairly hard himself.

  "It is?" Tobias stared. He knew about the one in his desk, but he'd put that there himself.

  "It is," Noah grinned. "We're well stocked in every room of the house."

  "Poor Mrs. Miller," Tobias said mournfully. "Actually, that explains the looks the twins give me. They do the dusting."

  Noah laughed. "What a way to get an education."

  Tobias snorted as he finished dressing. "They know quite a lot, I think. All right, then; give me about twenty minutes before you come down, whore." He winked and backed out of the room, watching Noah's cock bob.

  He ran down the stairs to his office and surveyed the area from the door for a moment before getting to work. The desk was fine as it was, and he made sure that the lube in the drawer was accessible; the last thing he wanted was to go fishing for it and come up with the stapler. He also retrieved the lube that Noah had stashed and slipped that tube in his pocket.

  The large, overstuffed chair was also fine, but the side table was well over a hundred years old, so that got shifted to the living room and replaced with a replica he hadn't really cared for even when he bought it. A few of the finer objects were moved, as well, and, finally, with a glance at his watch, Tobias closed himself in his office and leaned on the desk to wait.

  Noah gave him every second of the twenty minutes he'd asked for. He heard stirrings upstairs, finally, the sound of boots on the stairs, and moments later a knock on his closed office door.

  "Dr. Vincent?" Noah's voice came through the door, and then another knock.

  Tobias walked to the door, a detached look on his face, and pulled it open, ready to outclass any whore, no matter how much he was paying him. The detachment lasted all of the nanosecond it took to actually look at him. Noah wore button-fly jeans, low slung and riding on his hips, and the boots on his feet added at least an inch to his height. The black leather T-shirt was butter-soft, and the V-neck put Noah's silver collar nicely on display.

  "Oh, my," Tobias said with appreciation, stepping back to let Noah in. "Truth in advertising at long last."

  Noah rolled his eyes as he stepped into the room. He surveyed the room critically and then turned and let his eyes wander over Tobias with the same interest. "Nice digs," he said, pushing a knickknack out of the way and seating himself on Tobias' desk. "You're taller than I thought you'd be." He crossed his legs and braced a hand behind him on the desk, leaning his weight on it.

  "Does it matter?" Tobias asked, stepping close. He leaned in as if to kiss him, but instead swept the arm holding Noah up out from under him. As Noah's back hit the desk, Tobias glared at him. "Chairs are for sitting on. Not desks," he said icily.

  "Doesn't matter to me how tall you are, it was just an observation." Noah answered with a snort. "You're paying -- you could be three feet tall and ugly as sin and I'd still be here. This is a very comfortable desk." Noah sat back up, catching Tobias in the groin with his knee just hard enough to get his attention as he did so. "Oops. Sorry about that."

  A tight leather shirt wasn't the easiest thing to grab hold of, but Tobias found that if he really dug his fingers in as he lifted Noah off the desk he could manage it. He slammed Noah up against the nearest wall and held him there. "Are you?" he asked.

  Noah blinked, quickly recovering the wind that was knocked from him. "Not really," Noah told him in a teasing tone and leaned forward to plant a heavy kiss on Tobias' lips.

  Tobias shoved his tongue into Noah's mouth, taking control of the kiss and forcing Noah's mouth to open wider. He kissed Noah hard, pushing against his body with arms and chest, keeping Noah against the wall. "Whore," he growled, leaning back and licking his own lips.

  Noah snorted. "Actually, I prefer 'Noah,'" he answered breathlessly. "But, like I said, you're paying." He struggled against Tobias' weight, giving him a taste of his own strength, something Tobias hadn't ever fully experienced. Noah's arms flexed hard and his chest expanded, but he had poor leverage and wasn't able to push Tobias away.

  "You like it like this, doctor? A struggle? You like a boy that's strong enough to fight you off?" He grinned. "Fucking pervert."

  "That's fucking deviant to you," Tobias corrected. "We're nowhere near the perverted part yet." He slid one hand up to Noah's hair and grasped as much as he could, pulling Noah's head back. "But we're getting closer." He licked Noah's neck, a deep sound rumbling in his chest. His cock throbbed, and he twisted so he could rub along Noah's hip.

  With one hand now free, Noah braced it on Tobias' chest and gave him a sharp shove. "Or further," he suggested. Noah's hair was so short that Tobias couldn't keep hold of it and the "whore" skirted around him to the center of the room.

  "Depends on your definition, I suppose," Tobias said with a grin. He stalked Noah for a step or two and then stopped as he undid his shirt cuffs and began to roll up his sleeves. "Your mouth was made to suck cock, whore. Not to talk."

  "It's Noah. I think I told you already. And you're goin
g to have to do a lot of convincing to get me to touch that thing," he teased, a bit coyly to add insult. "It's huge."

  Tobias saw Noah discreetly glance around him, getting the lay of the place for his next move.

  "I said 'whore.'" Tobias grinned and took a step forward. "I suggest you head to your right. I'll be pissed if you knock over the chair to the left."

  "It is a nice chair, isn’t it? Antique. Kind of like you." Noah darted to his right, pushed the desk chair between them and sat his ass on the desk again.

  "Experienced," Tobias countered, his voice like silk. He tugged the chair toward him and to the side, grinning as Noah instinctively moved to the other side. He remained where he was, holding the chair as Noah realized he'd been bluffed and quickly recovered. "Not prone to falling for... tricks," Tobias said carefully. He shoved the chair behind himself and reached out, snaring Noah's pant cuff as he tried to go over the desk. "And? Faster than you, whore." He pulled hard, dragging Noah back across the desktop and using his waistband for leverage. "Now, I believe I said that the chairs were for sitting?"

  "Did you? I must not have been listening." Noah plucked at the fingers that held his waistband, trying to get them loose. He gave up on that and reached out a hand, pushing Tobias lightly against the bank of windows behind his desk, and peered up at him with a raised eyebrow. "Come on, old man, surely you can do better than this."

  Tobias didn't even change expression as he tore Noah's pants open and grabbed his cock.

  "Fuck!" Noah hissed, leaning forward to keep his balance. Tobias grinned as his boy went rigid under his fingers. "Not bad, old man," Noah said, a delightful strain in his voice that wasn't there a moment ago. "You think you can remember what to do with it?" Noah tugged Tobias' shirt out of his trousers and slid warm fingers underneath it, pinching a nipple when his fingers got that far. "I'll be happy to remind you."

  Tobias had to grit his teeth to keep from reacting to the fingers. "Now you're giving it away? You're a slut as well as a whore, boy," he said, pulling on Noah's dick.

  "That's fairly apt," Noah said as he unbuttoned Tobias' shirt slowly. "I've some experience of my own." He teased the nipple with his fingers again, grinned up at Tobias, then leaned forward and bit it.

  Tobias gasped, hating to do it but having to. He made another effort to pull Noah's hair, cursing as his fingers slipped. With a moan he held Noah's head to his chest and slid his thumb over the head of Noah's cock. Maybe they could just get off fast and then play.

  Maybe he was just easy.

  Noah slapped his hand away and ducked. "Now who's the slut? Huh? You rich pricks are all the same." He freed himself while Tobias was distracted and took two steps backward, making his way around the side of the desk again, his cock still pointing out of his jeans, taunting Tobias. "Come on, you horny bastard. You want me? You want to stuff that rod of yours in my mouth or up my ass? I don't care what you paid. I don't give it up that easy. You best believe you're going to have to work for it."

  Tobias snorted. "Right," he said, walking around the desk and deliberately stalking Noah again, following him around the room relentlessly. "Wave another bill at you and ask nicely. You're a suck-slut. A come-hole. That's all." He let Noah put the easy chair between them and climbed up on the seat. "Like to be hit? Like to feel like you don't have a choice?"

  Noah moved to the left and Tobias leapt after him, crashing them both to the floor. "Get your blood flowing?" Tobias asked, trying to climb on top of Noah. Damn boy wouldn't keep still, and Tobias was rather in danger of coming in his pants.

  "That's all I am?" Noah spat as he struggled. He was trying to keep Tobias from getting hold of his wrists. "Then why the hell do you want me? Why is it so important to make me yours? Like to throw your weight around with your money, do you? Does it make you feel like a big shot? What's the matter, didn't get a big enough raise this year? Boss' cock bigger than yours?" Noah tried to roll to the side, but Tobias stopped him with his knee. "Get off me, you son of a bitch."

  "Not a chance," Tobias said, his voice rough. He straddled Noah's hips and managed to pin one wrist. "That's it, wiggle some more. Feels good, whore." He fumbled for Noah's dick and found it still rigid. "I can tell you hate this."

  Noah hooked his free hand around behind Tobias' neck and tugged hard, lifting himself a bit and pulling Tobias down into another heavy kiss. Tobias felt a hint of teeth on his lip.

  Tobias answered it with a growl and met the fierceness with his own. The kiss was free of tenderness and wasn't even so much about power as it was about passion; he tasted blood by the end of it and didn't care whose it was.

  He let go of Noah's cock and reached up, grabbing the other wrist with a triumphant cry. He pushed his tongue into Noah's mouth and brought both of Noah's wrists together on the floor above his head. "Now we can move on to perversion."

  Noah gave him a good fight, tugging on his wrists and trying to get a knee up, but he was unsuccessful at both. "What are you paying for? You want me to beg for it? Or beg to be let go?" Noah asked with a soft growl. "I can do either, but between you and me I can smell your cock from here, and it's hurting for me, isn't it? Straining against your fly, your need making you lightheaded. Come on, old man, admit it."

  "Admit what, whore?" Tobias ground down on him, dragged himself along Noah's exposed cock. "Admit I want to shove my dick into a hot hole and come? Sure. Doesn't everyone just want to get off?"

  Noah grimaced at the friction. "Do you think your games are new to me, old man? Do you think you're going to hurt my feelings by calling me a whore? You're nothing more than a stiff prick with cash, buddy. Why don't you shut up already and do it? If you can."

  Tobias laughed. "You think I care about your feelings one way or the other?" He rubbed again. "Not trying to hurt you. Don't care. Just want it the way I want it, and if I'm a prick with cash, you're a hole taking money to be filled, so just shut the fuck up, all right?" He grinned down at Noah and squeezed his boy's wrists a little. "You think I'm too old to take what I want?"

  "I don't think you'd dare," Noah taunted.

  Tobias glanced around and spotted what he needed. "You're not very bright, are you?" he asked mildly, leaning over to grab at a light cord, tugging the plug out of the wall. The lamp came tumbling down, the shade thumping on the floor as Tobias wound the cord around Noah's wrists. "Now be a good boy and don't break my lamp while I fuck you, okay?"

  Noah looked genuinely shocked for a moment. Without waiting for an answer, Tobias crawled up Noah's body and lashed his wrists to the leg of the desk, his weight on Noah's chest as he did it. "And no biting."

  Noah grunted. "Fuck off," he managed to gasp out. He tugged on his wrists, and with a wince he clearly decided that was a bad idea.

  "Nope, just going to fuck," Tobias promised. He shifted down and lay on top of his play-whore, making sure he couldn't move. With one hand he held Noah's jaw and licked his neck again. "Tasty."

  Noah's hips jerked, trying to throw Tobias off. He kicked one foot, but Tobias was too heavy. "Get off me," he growled. "Fucking pervert."

  "Deviant. And how about I just get you off?" Tobias grinned at him. He bit down lightly on Noah's neck, just above his collar. "Ever have a trick suck you off and use your own junk as lube?"

  Noah groaned, and Tobias could feel his cock jerk against his thigh. Noah's neck arched, his body betraying him, and Tobias' unwilling whore was suddenly not so unwilling anymore. "Have you always been this sick?" he managed to ask. Noah's voice was tight and husky.

  "I think so," Tobias said thoughtfully. "Does it matter?" He moved down Noah's body a little and licked the leather shirt while his fingers found Noah's cock again, playing for only a moment before he shoved the jeans down to Noah's knees. "There. Can't run, can't kick. Well, not effectively."

  "You're big as a fucking bear. I wasn't having much luck with kicking anyway," Noah snarled, arching a bit as if he could escape Tobias' hand.

  "Aw, thank you. Flattery will get you off. Eventual
ly." Tobias wrapped one hand around Noah's cock and pulled. "So. Is your mouth good at anything aside from back talk, or should I just use your ass? A smart tongue is nice and all, but a tight ass is a treat. Both, whore? Would that do it for you? I bet you'd love that, get cock rammed in you from both ends at once, make you feel like you're really being used to your full potential?"

  "Ah... fuck. Asshole," Noah breathed. He flexed his fingers and then clenched them into fists.

  "Fuck your asshole?" Tobias studied Noah for a moment. "Damn, tied you wrong for that, hang on." He jerked on the far end of the cord and Noah's bound wrists came free of the desk for as long as it took for Tobias to flip Noah over, his knees in so his ass was in the air. A flip of the cord, and there he was, unbalanced and struggling to right himself as Tobias watched.

  "Very nice," Tobias said, slapping one cheek and pushing a dry fingertip into Noah's ass. "Should do you dry."

  "Jesus... fuck," Noah growled, still fighting to keep himself upright. He finally settled, panting, and looked over his shoulder. "Don't." His voice had the lovely lilt of begging to it. "Please."

  Tobias tilted his head and pushed two fingers into Noah's ass, going deep. "Don't? Are you sure?" He thrust his fingers a little and undid the button on his trousers with the other hand.

  Noah hissed and scooted forward, trying to escape the intrusion, but somehow that must have only made matters worse for the poor thing, because he froze and groaned heavily. "Oh, God."

  Tobias got his zipper down and fished the lube out of his pocket. No way would he actually hurt Noah -- but he would happily create an illusion. "Something to say, whore? You seem to have changed your tune a little." He twisted his fingers.

  "Back off!" Noah spat over his shoulder at him. The words were very convincing. It was almost scary the way Noah could throw himself into a role. Noah, the whore, tried to stifle a moan by biting his lip, but Tobias wasn't fooled.