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Used, Rare and Limited Editions 2: Mix and Mingle Read online

Page 4

  Dave knew Des was being more than polite, that he was acknowledging what Dave was allowing him. But Dave had known from the moment Des had asked him to dinner how this part would play out; he had no illusions. This time, the first time, he had to show trust. Dave was reasonably sure that if Des bottomed at all it was a rare gift.

  He could wait.

  In short moments Des had Dave ready, his motions economical, but not hasty. Dave knew how to relax, after all; they were both far too close to coming to waste time with endless foreplay.

  Or perhaps not.

  "One day,” Des whisperer in Dave's ear as he rolled on a condom and lubed it, “One day, I'm going to play with you until you beg."

  Dave laughed, his legs open and his back curling as he waited for Des to fill him. “If I let you,” he teased.

  Des laughed as well. “You will."

  There was no breath for Dave's protest as Des slid into his body. There was no breath for anything at all, just a fast gasp of surprise and then a moan of intense pleasure.

  Des didn't feel like Archie, he didn't move like Archie, and he didn't smell like Archie. Dave looked into green eyes, not blue, and nodded. “Again,” he said roughly, gripping the cover on the bed and holding tight. It was either that or dig into Des’ hips and take over, which he wouldn't do. This was Desmond's show.

  Des did it again: a quick roll of his hips that had his cock pulling out and out and out and then smashing back in, hitting at Dave's gland.

  "Oh, God.” Dave closed his eyes and nodded. “Yes."

  "Yes.” Des rested his forehead on Dave's chest and did it again and again, faster and then slower, the ramming becoming long slow glides that went on and on and made Dave whimper.

  "Des. God."

  Des raised his head and kissed at Dave's jaw until Dave turned his head and their mouths met. Then a slim, strong hand found Dave's cock and stroked, just twice. “Come for me. I want to feel you."

  Dave groaned, deep in his chest. “Once more. I'm there."

  Des circled his hips, his hand between them merely holding on, no longer stroking. “Make me come."

  Lights went off behind Dave's eyelids, green and flashing like starbursts as he shot hard, his stomach curling and his ass going tight. He could feel Des’ cock start to pulse; he could feel the way Des went still over him, not even breathing.

  He could hear Des whispering praise and thanks and then saying Dave's name. It was like music, bright and jazzy, not blues.

  Slowly, Dave opened his eyes and smiled. Des was smiling back, and it was time to kiss again. For as long as they could stand it, sticky as they were.

  * * * *

  Dave unlocked the security door at Archie's building and had to make himself not whistle as he walked down the hall to the apartment. It was pretty late, and not everyone would be in as good a mood as he was, if he woke them up. He paused outside Archie's door, still a little drunk, and played with his keys until the right one presented itself and he could fit it in the lock.

  Carefully, in case Archie was asleep, he let himself in.

  Dave had been prepared for a lot of things. He'd fully expected a quiet and dark apartment, Archie still out at his party. He'd been prepared for the light on in the living room, Archie watching a late movie and having a beer. He'd even been half expecting a light on in the bedroom and the sound of a movie in there, which was the usual way evenings went at Archie's.

  In absolutely no way was Dave expecting to find Archie sitting on the kitchen counter, his shirt off, and his face bloody. Even more startling was Wyatt being there with him, efficiently tending Archie's wounds.

  "What the fuck?” Dave let the door close behind him and moved quickly to Archie. Every bit of happy drunk faded away as he tried to find a safe place to touch between bruises and scrapes. “What happened? God, are you okay? Did you have a car accident?"

  "I'm okay!” Archie batted his hand away, and Wyatt backed off. “Babe. I'm okay. Don't panic."

  Dave looked him over, still trying to touch. “Tell me what happened. God, your eye."

  Archie had an eye that was swelling up nicely, a cut on his cheek and a split lip. There was a bruise on his chest and another one coming up on his bicep and—Dave grabbed Archie's hands and stared at his wrists. “Someone held you down. What the hell happened?"

  "Babe. It's not ... I didn't. It wasn't.” He looked absolutely miserable, his shoulder's slumping. “Just a fight, okay? A bar brawl."

  Dave looked at Wyatt. “Were you there? Did you see?"

  Wyatt, to Dave's utter shock, got in Dave's face and backed him up against the far wall. He was dressed in leather trousers and a white T-shirt, the wide collar around his neck practically yelling what kind of party or bar they'd been at. “Do you trust Archie?” he asked quietly, his eyes at a level with Dave's.

  "Of course I do. What the hell kind of—"

  "Do you trust my word?"

  Dave stared at him. “Wyatt. I want to know what happened to Archie. That's all. I'm not making judgments or saying anything is anyone's fault. I just want to know what happened to him."

  Wyatt didn't back away but his voice softened. “You might not think you're judging. I know you don't want to. But you are."

  "Fine, I'm judging.” Dave looked over Wyatt's shoulder to Archie. “Please, Wyatt. I need to be with him. I need to know he's okay."

  Wyatt backed away. “He's okay. Not even a cracked rib."

  Dave rushed back to Archie and stood in front of him, between Archie's knees. “Tell me what happened,” he whispered. He traced Archie's cheekbones with his fingers. “God, you look like an angel who did a couple of rounds in the ring.” Archie's curls were a mess, his baby face turning some nasty colors.

  "Hardly an angel.” Archie sighed. “The party wasn't my usual crowd. Turns out my usual crowd doesn't actually exist any more. Anyway, I made a play for this guy, and we were dancing.” He glanced at Wyatt. “You saw that, right?"

  Wyatt nodded. He leaned on the counter next to Archie and said, “Yes. I also happen to know where the security cameras are, and I made sure Zed grabbed all the tapes. You did nothing wrong, Archie."

  Dave looked at them both, one to the other. “What happened?"

  Archie shrugged, and then winced when the movement clearly caused him some pain. “I think the sub I was dancing with was breaking rules to get his owner's attention. I was dancing with him and then I was getting yelled at. So I put up my hands and backed away—I didn't want to get in the middle of a domestic thing, right? I just wanted to dance. But that wasn't good enough."

  Dave looked at Wyatt and then down at Archie's wrists. He'd clearly been held, been beaten up. “Shit."

  "Dave.” Wyatt's voice was low and serious. “This isn't what happens. It's just not. What happened to Archie shouldn't have happened at all."

  "But it did.” Dave held Archie's hands and looked up. “It did because he wants something he doesn't ask me for."

  "No, babe. It happened because some guy was an asshole. It's got absolutely nothing to do with bondage or games or kink. It's got nothing to do with anything other than some guy and his friends being jerks."

  Dave nodded, knowing that much was true. “But you go out and look for strangers to fill your need. People you don't know. It's not safe, honey. As a long term plan, it's not going to work."

  Archie turned his hands in Dave's and held on. “So I won't go. It's not that important."

  Dave bit his lip. “Honey. You can't just turn that part of you off."

  Wyatt cleared his throat and waited until they both looked at him. “It's not an either or situation, you know. It doesn't have to be nothing or strangers. There are other options. There are other options right in this room, in fact."

  Archie clued in a lot faster than Dave and it was Archie's wide eyes that brought Dave up to speed. “Um.” Dave looked at Wyatt and swallowed hard, really not sure if he was supposed to be feeling as grateful as he was. “Don't you kind of have to cl
ear that with your master?"

  "Absolutely.” Wyatt nodded. “There needs to be a very long, very frank conversation. A couple of them, I'd say. But the bottom line is that I'm willing.” He gave Archie a crooked grin. “Eager, in fact."

  Archie looked absolutely stunned.

  "Well.” Dave leaned forward and kissed Archie's uncut cheek. “If it all goes to hell, you'll still have me, sweetheart."

  Archie nodded and sighed, his body leaning slightly into Dave's. “Always and forever."

  To be continued in Used, Rare and Limited editions 3, coming soon from Torquere Press.

  * * *

  Visit www.torquerepress.com for information on additional titles by this and other authors.