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Discipline Page 15

  Tobias grunted and slammed into Noah's ass. "Harder? More? Here?" he asked, starting to fist Noah's cock with each stab into his body.

  Noah whimpered, arched, thrust into Tobias' hand.

  "Want to feel you," Tobias hissed into Noah's ear. "Want you to come on me, pet. Want to fuck you through another orgasm and then I'll shoot in your ass, fill you up--"

  Noah was well beyond words and didn't seem to know whether he should thrust back to Tobias' prick or forward into Tobias' hand. His hips jerked and thrust erratically and he grunted and whimpered until a second climax finally took him. His body went eerily still, and Tobias collected a fistful of come before he felt Noah go tight around him, choking his cock.

  "God, yes!" Tobias cried out, his head falling back as he pushed deeper, worked against Noah's orgasm to pull his own out. "Fuck!" He shook and pushed and tried to get as far into Noah as he could as he started to come. His head came down and he tried not to bite Noah's neck, but he wanted to, wanted to mark him.

  Noah was his.


  He kept coming, his cock throbbing and pouring spunk into Noah's ass. Fire raced through him, ecstasy floated in his blood, and he shuddered again and again, finally pushing Noah flat on the table and falling across him, spent.

  Underneath him, Noah was panting hard. Tobias felt his chest expand and contract as he struggled to regain control. They were drenched, both of them, slippery with sweat and come, pliable in the wake of their efforts. "Master," Noah breathed. "Love you."

  "God, yes," Tobias whispered. "Love you so much, sweetheart." He lifted himself up and off, pulling out carefully with a low moan. "Jesus. I'm too old for this."

  Noah laughed, turning himself around and pulling himself up to sit on the table. "Too old for what exactly, sir? Fucking me stupid?"

  "Yeah, that." Tobias looked at him and shook his head. "You can sit? I'm doing something wrong."

  "I won't be able to in an hour. Hurts so good." Noah grinned, tugging Tobias closer. "Kiss me."

  "Oh, all right," Tobias said, feigning reluctance. He leaned forward and shoved his tongue into Noah's mouth, his arms going around to pull him close.

  Tobias felt Noah grin around the kiss. Noah sucked Tobias' tongue briefly and then released him, still grinning, his eyes remaining low. "Just bars." He shrugged. "What are you going to do with me now?"

  "Take you to the house and give you your birthday spankings, of course."

  "Thirty is a lot of spankings... you'll have my ass on ice tomorrow," Noah teased.

  "Probably," Tobias agreed happily. "A nice rosy ass... one of my favorite things." He stood up and redid his fly with a grin. "And then there's the presents..."

  Noah hopped off the table, wincing a bit as he hit the floor. "Presents!"

  "Presents," Tobias confirmed. "All good boys get toys for their birthday."

  "I better get to cleaning up in here then," Noah said coyly.

  "That's a good idea," Tobias said, walking away. "I'll be in the shower. With your new dildo."

  Noah blinked and stuttered. "My…?"

  "Your." Tobias stopped and turned around. "You really should hurry, or I'll be forced to start without you."

  Chapter 15

  Tobias looked at the folder on his desk and sighed. The file held a list of all the possessions in the farm house that belonged to Mrs. Miller, and he'd just spent an hour walking through every room, making sure that her things had gone to her family.

  His house felt oddly off-kilter, despite the fact that the things she'd kept in the common areas were few in number. In fact, the one thing that took up the most room, a long hallway table that she'd loved, was still there. Robert and Sue had insisted he keep it, saying it just looked best there. They'd also insisted that he keep many of her favorite kitchen items, claiming that there was no need to duplicate things in their own home.

  Gone were her personal things, everything from her bedroom, and the little knickknacks she'd wanted to go to various family members. Still, there were a few things like the sugar bowl, which Tobias planned to make sure went to Phan.

  The house still bore her mark, but it lacked her energy, and Tobias found himself sighing again before closing the folder.

  "All right, Tobias?" a voice asked from behind him, and Tobias jumped.

  "Fine," he said as he turned to face Peter.

  "Sorry about that," the man said. "Thought you heard me knock."

  "Should have," Tobias said with a slight smile. "I was just cleaning up the last of Elizabeth's things. Making sure Robert and Sue didn't miss anything."

  Peter shook his head. "They wouldn't be upset with you if they did, man. They'd just mention it. Everyone knows you're family, near enough."

  Tobias smiled sadly. "You're right, of course." He picked up the other file on the desk and a pad of paper. "Let's go into the kitchen and have some tea."

  Peter nodded. "Right enough. I've got some ideas for the back fields this season, and what we should leave fallow."

  Tobias smiled. Peter ran the farm, really; this conversation was a mere formality so Peter could tell Tobias what he was doing and so they'd both know where the money was going. It was an annual event, and had been for years. Peter would also let Tobias know when he'd hired on help, when the hay was due to be cut and come in, and everything else.

  It was Peter's farm, really.

  "So, you're off to Paris next week?" Peter asked, sitting at the table.

  Tobias nodded. "Yes, it's a gift to Noah. He's never been."

  Peter smiled. "Hope it's a good trip for him."

  "Me, too. We need the break, after this winter."

  Peter nodded. "It's been a hard one, aye. How's Phantom?"

  Tobias blinked. "Phan?"

  Peter shrugged. "Mrs. Miller sent him cookies a few times. Said he was having a hard time."

  Tobias really should have known. "He's doing better," he said, gathering things for tea. "Thanks for asking."

  Peter just nodded calmly, and they spent the next couple of hours planning for the farm and going over accounts. Tobias found the process very close to setting his affairs in order; perhaps he'd been thinking too much of such things.

  "Should I keep it?" he asked suddenly, leaning back in his chair.

  Peter didn't even ask what he meant, merely nodded. "Aye. You love it, you can afford it. Tobias, you lost family this year. Don't be thinking of losing your home, too. Decisions made in haste and all that."

  Tobias nodded slowly. "But it's losing money."

  "Does that matter to you?"

  He sighed. "Not really."

  "So you'd sell and regret it. And who would you sell to? Developers?"

  Tobias stared at him. "Never. The last thing I want to see out here is a development. That's not what we need, what the people around here want." He couldn't do that. And he couldn't really imagine giving up the house, the horses. The stables.

  Peter nodded. "You're tired, Tobias. Take Noah to Paris. Enjoy the sights. Come back and get back to your life. Things will even out."

  Tobias sincerely hoped so. And if nothing else, he had a week away with Noah ahead of him; the thought cheered him immensely.

  Chapter 16

  The plane was small, but not tiny. It was, after all, a jet used for business, and a jet used to impress.

  Noah seemed impressed.

  Tobias was rather impressed himself, and he'd been on it before. The pilot and the co-pilot had been full of apologies on behalf of the owner about the lack of steward, but Tobias was willing to forgive anyone for getting the flu. Plus, with no one wandering about the cabin, he got to enjoy it all with only Noah for company, and that was perfect, really.

  He watched as Noah looked around again, taking in the casual seating of a few fixed chairs and the long couches. There were tables -- real ones, not those on the back of a chair in front of you -- and even a bar, which they both ignored except for the bottled water.

  "Like it?" Tobias asked with a grin
once the plane had leveled off and they could move around freely. He stood up and stretched, touching the curve of the roof over his head. "It's kind of nice, don't you think?"

  "It's amazing, sir," Noah said, his eyes still wide. He wandered around the cabin, literally touching everything -- the mahogany bar, the leather bar stools, the shiny table tops, the smooth suede and leather seating. He looked out the window. He opened a door. "Oh, my God, have you seen the bathroom?" Tobias was sure Noah had almost squealed. Grinning, Noah turned back to Tobias. "This is incredible, sir. This is a dream. Pinch me, this can't be happening."

  "Oh, an invitation," Tobias laughed, slipping an arm around Noah's waist. He goosed him and grinned. "So you approve, then. I'm glad. The trip is a little longer this way, but worth the time, I think."

  Noah's grin was coy, and he slid a finger across Tobias' chest, tweaking a nipple through his shirt as he went. "Gee, whatever are we to do with the time?"

  "I assumed you'd come up with something," Tobias said dryly. "Play cards, perhaps? Discuss the latest fashions or movies?"

  Noah snorted. "Oh, yes. Cribbage. I'll deal."

  Tobias laughed and rubbed his hand over Noah's ass. "You can if you want. Your trip, your plans. Well, right now, anyway."

  "What?" Noah grinned again. "I'm in charge? Well, in that case, I lost the cards and current events are boring. I think you should let me blow you right where you're standing." He slid fingers along Tobias' thigh. "Slow and hot. We have hours to kill, after all. Did your flogger make it through customs?" Noah laughed softly.

  "Sadly, no. I didn't even try a flogger... but I have great success with leather belts." He cupped Noah's ass again and squeezed. "Want to arrive in France with a glowing butt? Of course, if you'd rather just suck my cock and bend over a table, that could work, too."

  "Can't we do all of those things? I'd love to get my ass whipped at thirty-five thousand feet. That would be one for my journal." Noah's hand pressed into Tobias' groin. "And just think, the co-pilot might come back to use the head at some point. He was pretty hot, too." Noah's voice got gravelly, and Tobias couldn't be at all sure that Noah was joking.

  Shaking his head fondly, Tobias chuckled. He pressed into Noah's hand and let him grope for a moment, enjoying it quite thoroughly. "You want to be whipped, I'll whip you," he said, his own voice rough. "But I don't think I'll let the co-pilot play. Maybe he'll just watch. Would you like that?" he teased.

  "He's probably happily married with a wife, three kids, and a golden retriever," Noah said with a chuckle. "This is nice, though." He squeezed Tobias through his perfectly-pressed dress pants. Evidently they weren't going to arrive in Paris that way.

  "It is," Tobias agreed, pushing back a little harder. "Couch? Floor? Bathroom?"

  "Not the bathroom, it's nice, but it's... pointy," Noah's nimble fingers unfastened Tobias' belt.

  "Pointy?" Tobias asked with a choked laugh as Noah's fingers skimmed his length. "That's a new one."

  Noah shook his head. "Lots of corners, small space," he explained.

  "Ah. And here we have... leather. Couches." Tobias tried to nod wisely, but Noah's hand was finally slipping into his pants, and he got a little sidetracked. "Okay, you have me," he said, a little breathlessly. "Now what are you going to do?"

  Noah stepped closer, forcing Tobias to step back until his knees hit one of the wide leather lounge chairs. "Guess," he breathed huskily and gave Tobias a light shove into the chair.

  "Oh, let me see," Tobias pondered with a grin. "You're going to quote poetry to me?"

  "Sure," Noah winked. "How shall I suck thee. Let me count the ways."

  Tobias started to laugh, unable not to. "Oh, sweetheart," he finally managed. "I love you." Deliberately, he shoved his trousers down his hips and palmed his cock, stroking it loosely.

  Noah was sporting a permanent grin. He tugged his sweater off over his head and then his T-shirt after it, tossing them both onto one of the tables. He knelt, and with both hands, he pushed Tobias' shirt up and licked across his stomach. "You're so hot," Noah said, his lips moving against Tobias' skin.

  "Feeling rather warm, yes," Tobias said unevenly. "I suspect it's the altitude." He pulled his cock again and moaned, letting his legs fall apart. If they timed this right, he could come down Noah's throat and have time to get hard again. Maybe while whipping Noah's ass. The thought made him moan again. "Pet," he whispered.

  Noah's lips moved over his skin, ignoring Tobias' cock for the moment and heading for his balls. Noah tugged them free of his pants and then began to bathe them slowly and with a great deal of attention paid to each. He took one and then the other into his mouth and rolled them with his tongue, his hands still resting warmly on Tobias' abs.

  Tobias knew that he'd felt this needy before, and recently; he always did when it came to Noah. Usually he tried to tame the feeling, to give back as much as he was given, but this time he decided to be a little more selfish than the norm. He lifted his hips and pushed his trousers and shorts farther down, one hand going to the back of Noah's head to encourage him. "Yes, pet," he moaned. "Like that."

  Noah pushed Tobias' thighs wider and engaged his teeth lightly on the sensitive skin, teasing. Then he shifted and licked up the underside of Tobias' cock, all the way up his length to the head. He circled it with his tongue and then licked his way back to the base. "Like that?" Noah whispered, doing it again. "Like this?"

  "Yes," Tobias hissed. "Any way. Don't care. Just want you."

  Noah moaned this time, then opened his mouth and took Tobias in, once, all the way to the back of his throat. He released him right after, going back to licking and nibbling. "Taste so good, Master," Noah said in his hottest, deepest cop voice.

  Tobias growled and tugged at Noah's hair with his fingers. When Noah's mouth opened, his eyes dancing with laughter and dark with lust, Tobias shoved in, pushing his cock deep again. "Suck me," he rumbled, his stomach tightening.

  He caught Noah off guard, and it took a moment for him to catch up, but Noah followed Tobias' orders not only willingly but with an enthusiasm all his own. Without any hint of urgency, he took Tobias deep down his throat and then pulled back until only the head remained between his lips. He swallowed Tobias down again and pulled back, repeating the pattern evenly and moaning hotly when he was able to get air.

  "Jesus," Tobias groaned, watching his prick slide between Noah's lips. "God, yes, pet." He tried not to thrust, not wanting to choke Noah again, but his hips were rocking, and he could feel his orgasm building. "Soon, pet."

  Noah nodded slightly and picked up his pace. He shortened his strokes, sucked harder, swallowed Tobias over and over, encouraging Tobias with his moans and strong fingers dug into Tobias' thighs.

  Tobias groaned and tried to keep himself quiet, but as the engine roared and the plane vibrated around them he decided it wasn't that important and let his growl grow a bit. He firmed his grip on the back of Noah's head and fucked his mouth, diving into the wet heat with a rising urgency until he felt his balls draw up tight.

  "Now, Noah," Tobias ground out, his head falling back and his eyes closing as he started to come, his cock pulsing and throbbing as he shot down Noah's throat, his hips stuttering and losing any rhythm he'd had.

  Noah shoved him back into his seat with both hands and swallowed him down, sucking and working his prick with his fingers until Tobias was spent. He sighed, bathing Tobias with his tongue. "So good."

  Tobias merely rumbled and ran a hand over Noah's head, stroking the short hair and petting him for a job well done. He felt utterly boneless, content, and satiated. "Nice," he managed to say after a little concentration.

  Noah raised his head and licked his lips, his eyes lifting just about to Tobias' chin but no higher. "I'm sure you say that to all the boys who blow you on the way to Paris."

  "Hmm. As a case study of one, I'd have to say you're correct," Tobias said, grinning. He stretched, only slightly annoyed at finding his trousers in a tangled mess, and made himself
presentable in short order. Completely ignoring Noah's obvious excitement, he removed his belt and placed it conspicuously on the back of the couch. "Could you get me some water, pet?" he asked politely.

  Noah had followed the placement of the belt with his eyes and seemed genuinely startled by the request. "Oh, yes, sir." He stood and made his way to the bar, his erection clearly pushing at the fly of his jeans. He stepped behind the bar and found a bottle of water in the fridge, then returned slowly, kneeling by Tobias' feet and holding the bottle about head height for Tobias to take.

  "Thank you," Tobias said, taking the bottle and opening it. He took a long drink, downing about half the bottle in a few swallows. It was important to stay hydrated. With his free hand he petted Noah's hair some more, just touching him while he finished the bottle of water. When it was gone, he leaned forward and put it on the table. "Okay, take off your pants," he said casually.

  Noah seemed to have been eager for that request. He stood and shoved his jeans down and his shorts with them, toed his shoes off, and kicked everything out of the way.

  Tobias shook his head and bit his lip to keep from laughing. "Such an eager boy," he commented, reaching for the belt. "Now, I'm fairly sure that I'll be fucking you at some point, so I suggest you prepare yourself..."

  "Yes, sir." Noah nodded and stepped past Tobias to his carry-on bag, from which he produced a tube of lube. He came back, offering the bottle to Tobias first.

  "You do it," Tobias purred.

  Noah nodded and set the bottle down on the table next to the couch. He slicked his fingers and then lifted one foot and braced it on the couch between Tobias' thighs. Noah's hand disappeared behind his back as he leaned toward Tobias just slightly and then he sighed and moaned and his head bent forward.

  Tobias raised an eyebrow. "Feel good? How many fingers?" he asked politely.

  "One just now," Noah panted in response. "Feels great, sir." He shifted and his hips pushed back a bit. "Wait... there. Two, sir. Just a little stretch, it's nice."

  Tobias smiled and sank farther into the couch. "Just make sure you can take me, pet. I won't want to waste time."