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Discipline Page 10

  Maybe one day he'd get it sorted out to their satisfaction.

  Noah was in bed with him this time. They both needed it, Tobias thought, and he slept better with Noah curled against him. He'd been treated to both bath and hot tea, so sleep came quickly, comfortably.

  The room was still dark and also slightly chilly when he woke. Or, to be more precise, when Noah woke him. Warm hands roamed over Tobias' skin, stroking his back, his hips, his thighs. He felt hot breath and the pinch of teeth on his ass, and he was hard almost instantly. He bent a knee and Noah hummed his approval, pushing it up to open him even further, and then circled his hole, gently and deliberately, with his tongue.

  "Oh, God," Tobias moaned. He loved this, just loved it. If he was completely honest, this was one of the reasons he really liked having Noah in bed. He could easily order Noah to do this, he knew, but it was just more intense, more pleasurable, when Noah surprised him in the mornings.

  He bent his leg even more, rubbing his cock on the cotton sheets as he tried to encourage Noah to go faster. "Please," he whispered.

  Noah's fingers dug into his cheeks and tugged them wide. His tongue moved faster and with more purpose. He was licking and biting, teasing sensitive skin, and making soft, low sounds that were partially muffled into Tobias' ass.

  Finally, Noah groaned loudly and his tongue dove into Tobias, intruding again and again with relentless, shallow thrusts.

  "Oh, God, yes!" Tobias arched his back, wantonly shoving his ass back to Noah. "Please, Noah. God, yes, please." His cock throbbed and he rubbed against the sheets again, trying to get more sensation. He cried out again as Noah's tongue fucked him, and he tried to open himself further.

  He couldn't think. He didn't want to think. He just wanted more. "Noah!" he yelled. "Please! God, yes!"

  "You are so hot when you scream," Noah panted at him when he came up for air. He quickly replaced his tongue with two fingers and pressed them deep. "Makes me so hard." Noah's fingers thrust in and out, searching for Tobias' sweet spot. "Where is it, baby?" he asked rhetorically. "I want to hear you."

  Tobias couldn't breathe, couldn't get enough air into his lungs, and then -- suddenly -- he could. He screamed, his hips rolling back as he fucked himself on Noah's fingers. More. He wanted more, and couldn't ask for it, so he'd let himself revel in what he was given.

  He screamed again as Noah's fingers pushed at the sullen hot spot inside him, sensation shooting through him like lightning. "Fuck, yes!" he cried, one hand reaching for his cock. "More!"

  "Jesus..." Noah breathed, his voice sounding heavy and rough. Tobias felt Noah's fingers slip away, and he moaned loudly. "Anything you need, love," his sub-turned-lover said softly. Tobias caught a flash of Noah's hand in the corner of his eye and heard the bedside table drawer open and close. "I want to be everything you need."

  Then Noah's fingers were on him again, taking hold of his hips and tugging him partly to his knees. Tobias felt the warm, hard head of Noah's slippery prick press against him and then slowly, very slowly, into him.

  "Oh, God," Tobias moaned. He didn't quite dare to believe it, didn't quite know what to do or say. He knew he'd lose what rational mind he had in very short order, so it had to count. "Thank you," he finally managed, shifting his hips and moving back slightly, meeting Noah as he filled him. "Love you."

  His head dropped down and he gave himself over to just feeling, loving the pressure and slight burn as Noah slipped into him. He ached for this, welcomed it. "Oh, God," he moaned again. "Yes, please."

  Noah pressed deep and held there a moment, leaning partly over Tobias to spread kisses over his shoulders. "I love you so much," he whispered, and then with more voice he added, "Jesus fuck, you're tight."

  Noah started to move, keeping hold of Tobias' hips as he thrust. It started out slow and tentative, more about sensation than anything else, but soon began to build. Thrust after thrust, Tobias sensed Noah's confidence growing, until he was fucking Tobias soundly, plunging into him over and over, his fingers bruising Tobias' skin.

  Tobias was almost past words. He repeated an endless litany of begging for more and thanking Noah for what he had, almost hoarse from crying out. He grunted and growled and threw himself back to meet Noah's thrusts, shoving his ass higher as Noah pounded against his gland.

  His arms gave out and he sank down onto the pillows, his knees spreading as he let Noah force him closer to coming. He felt like he was a tension spring, coiled to never break, but almost sprung. He began to growl, his voice building to a near howl as he began to move again, working with Noah.

  "Oh, baby!" Noah encouraged. He shifted as well, and his thrusts grew faster, one arm now braced by Tobias' shoulder. He was panting hard, his breath hot on Tobias' back. "Close," he groaned. "Tobias... it's so good. Come on, baby, come for me."

  The howl grew into a roar and Tobias threw his head back, his eyes shut tight as he grabbed his cock with one hand. He pulled at himself almost brutally, yanking his climax from his body. The world grew hazy as his body started to spasm, his ass clamping down on Noah's cock, keeping him deep in Tobias' body. His roar faded to a whimper as he shot onto the sheets, ribbons of come soaking the bedding as he panted and moaned through his orgasm.

  "Yes!" Noah yelled, and his hips jerked against Tobias' ass as he came. Tobias was dimly aware of Noah as he shivered above him, riding out the rush until it left Noah boneless and gasping, hanging over Tobias' back. "Oh, God... oh, God," Noah managed to say as he exhaled heavily. Tobias felt almost desperate fingers in his hair, and hungry lips on his shoulders. "Baby."

  "Sweetheart," he whispered. "Oh, God, sweetheart. Love you so much. Thank you." He sank down onto the bed, lying in the mess and not caring. "God, thank you."

  Noah settled beside him, curling around Tobias' back and wrapping an arm around to his chest to pull their bodies tightly together. "You're welcome," he told Tobias, "I love you, you know I love you."

  "I know you do," Tobias said in a whisper. He didn't trust himself to speak clearly -- already he was feeling overly emotional. "But that... that was wonderful, sweetheart. A gift."

  "Mmm," Noah sighed. His voice was soft and lazy. "I'd been thinking about it for a while. I was nervous at first, but your reaction made it so worth it. I'm so glad I was able do that for you."

  Tobias would have lifted his head to look at Noah if he'd had the energy. "You have? You were? Yeah?" He blinked and tried again. "You were nervous? And how long were you torturing yourself with that, pet?"

  "Oh, God, a long time, sir," Noah admitted, slipping automatically back into sub status with Tobias' name for him. "But don't worry about it, I knew it would happen eventually, I just had to..." His voice trailed off and he shifted behind Tobias. "It's a lot like how I know you'd never have asked me. I didn't know how to offer, you know? Or if I even could."


  "Do we have to talk about this right now?" Noah asked, evading the question. He snuggled closer and ran his hand over Tobias' side. "You feel so good."

  "You feel better. And, no, but you know we will soon, if only because you've made me a curious pile of well-fucked flesh." He smiled, fairly sure he wasn't making sense. "I'm going to ache all day..." he said, utterly content.

  Noah laughed. "I'll take that as a compliment. I'm hoping that you're happy about that, sir. Are you hungry? I'm going to have to go take care of the horses soon. You want coffee before I go?"

  "I'll be asleep before you leave the house," Tobias assured him. "But I wouldn't mind a cup when you get back. Noah?"


  "I love you."

  Noah climbed over him and smiled. "I know," he said, and kissed Tobias passionately. After a moment, he pulled away and licked his lips, looking flushed and breathless. "Horses."

  Noah slipped out of bed and disappeared into the bathroom.

  Tobias briefly considered chasing after him, but even as the sound of water running started up he knew he'd be happier merely lying in bed and enjoying the ach
es and pains that came from being loved that way. Carefully, he pressed one of the bruises forming on his hip and grinned as his groin tightened in response.

  There would be time to chase Noah later; now was for sleep and relishing the sensations still zinging through his body.

  Now was for knowing how much Noah loved him back.

  Chapter 10

  Tobias sat in the truck and stared out the window until the late February chill had settled into his bones. As he was sitting in the sun, and out of the wind, he assumed it had taken a while, but he really wasn't sure how long he'd been sitting there. With a deep sigh he finally roused himself and went back into the barn to tell Deidre he had to leave for the day and probably the week.

  "Are you all right to drive?" she asked him, quiet and serious. "I can call Noah."

  He shook his head. "I'll be fine, Dee, thank you. I'll call him on the way to the farm."

  She nodded and hugged him hard. "I'm sorry, Tobias. So sorry."

  "Me, too."

  He drove almost halfway to the farm before he remembered to call Noah. He used the phone in the truck, grateful for both the hands-free system and the digital signal that was coming up strong. He bit his lip and debated between calling Noah's pager and calling his phone, and settled on simply sending the car phone number to the pager; Noah would call when he was alone, and that might be better. Then he called the garage and told them that Noah might be by for the car.

  It was about twenty minutes before the phone rang. Tobias sighed, but he answered after a couple of rings. "Noah..."

  Noah was using his work voice, that rich, authoritative cop voice, when he spoke. "Sir? I got your page. Where are you? Is this the truck number?"

  "Yeah, it is. I need you. Can you get away?" He wondered if his voice was really that tired sounding. "I'm about ten minutes from the farm," he added as an afterthought.

  "Uh... sure. Yes, sir. Let me just... you sound awful, you've got me worried. Let me just talk to Carol. Are you all right? Are you driving?" Tobias could hear Noah shuffling in the background and then a car door open and close.

  "Mrs. Miller died," Tobias said softly. "I'm going home."

  There was a long silence on Noah's end of the line until he whispered, "Oh, God," Noah sighed. "Oh, no. I'm so sorry." He cleared his throat. "I'll come right away. Are you sending a car or...?"

  "You can pick it up. You'll come? Right now?" Tobias coughed as his voice started to crack. "I need you."

  "Right now. I'm on my way, okay?" He was using that voice again, the strong, capable cop voice. "Get off the road and get inside. I'll be there soon."

  "All right. I'm... I'll be there in a couple of minutes." Tobias gripped the wheel a little tighter. He wasn't looking forward to getting there, not sure if Robert would still be there or not. He wasn't sure what would be worse, an empty house or Mrs. Miller's family. "Thank you," he said quietly.

  "I love you," Noah told him in return. "I'm going to hang up and go get the car now, okay?"

  "Okay. I love you, too." But he couldn't hit the disconnect. "You have to do it this time," he said. "I can't let go." Of the steering wheel, of Noah, of anything.

  Noah cleared his throat again. "Get home safely, please. I'll be there before you know it, I promise." Noah seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then the line went dead.

  Tobias drove in silence the rest of the way, forgetting about the phone until he pulled into the drive. He powered it off and pulled up to the house, oddly relieved to find cars there. As he climbed out of the truck, the porch seemed to fill.

  The twins were there, and Peter, and both Robert and his wife, Sue. A few neighbors, and someone had brought Mrs. Delong up from her farm, though Tobias was fairly sure she wasn't quite over her annual bout of strep.

  He walked up the steps and reached out a hand to Robert, unsurprised to find himself pulled closer into a hug; the families had been well tied together by Robert's mother, and though he and Robert had never been close, he knew he was much more than simply an employer. The evidence of that was standing all around him.

  "Come on now, into the house," Peter said, taking charge for the first time ever. "There's tea on."

  So Tobias let himself be led into the house, let himself be taken care of, and he sat with Robert and Sue to help make arrangements.

  The hour it would take for Noah to arrive from the city passed quickly with all the company, and Noah did indeed arrive sooner than Tobias expected. He hadn't even heard the car in the drive; he just looked up to see Noah, head to toe in uniform, striding across the living room to him.

  Noah stopped short of Tobias, possibly surprised by all the company, and shook Robert's hand. "Robert," he said, nodding. "I'm so sorry." Then he sat on the couch beside Tobias and looked at him. "Nice to have friends around."

  Tobias found himself nodding and leaning into Noah. "Better to have you," he whispered. "Thanks for coming."

  Noah leaned forward and stroked fingers along his jaw. "I should change my clothes. I'll be back in a few minutes." He stood and greeted the twins as he made his way out of the room.

  When Noah returned he was in jeans, a T-shirt, and one of Tobias' sweaters that was slightly too large on him. He took a seat beside Tobias again, slipped an arm through his, and looked at Robert. "Is there anything I can do?"

  Robert shook his head, looking faintly amused. "Just take care of Tobias. Can we help you with that?"

  Tobias blinked. "I don't need--"

  "Oh, yes, you do. At the very least, you need food."

  "I think we're all right. Thank you, Robert. Food I can handle," Noah said with a slight smile. He looked at Tobias. "Right?"

  "Well, now, yes," Tobias said, attempting to joke. But then it crashed. "Mrs. Miller made sure you knew what I liked." He sat back on the couch and closed his eyes. "Damn."

  Noah rubbed his hand on Tobias' thigh, still talking to Robert. "You'll let us know about the arrangements?"

  "Most of it's been settled between us all, just have to make the calls," Tobias heard Robert say. "I'll take the twins home to their mother. Peter?"


  "Can you drive Mrs. Delong back down?"

  "Aye. Sir, I'll turn the horses out tonight. No need for you or... or Noah to bother."

  Tobias opened one eye and nodded. "Thank you, Peter. I'd like to take the morning feed, though. I think I'll be riding tomorrow, too."

  Peter nodded, and then people started to move about, gathering coats and scarves and things.

  "Did you call anyone else?" Tobias heard Robert ask Noah. "She'd... well, there are people she was real fond of."

  "I have a few people in mind to call," Noah said. "I'll make sure they get the word."

  Tobias winced at the thought of Phantom's reaction. Standing, he shook Robert's hand again and finally made his way to the door to say his goodbyes. It seemed like an age before they closed it on the last of them and he could turn to Noah. "Sweetheart," he whispered, burying his head in Noah's neck, right there in the front hall.

  "Oh..." Noah put his arms around him. "I've wanted to do this since the moment I walked in, but I didn't think... with all those people around..." He sighed. "I'm so sorry, baby. You know I can't say enough good things about her. She was extraordinary."

  "She was," Tobias agreed, mumbling the words into Noah's skin. His eyes were starting to burn, and he could feel his chest tighten. "She lived with her whole heart and wasn't scared of anything."

  "She was always so good to me," Noah said softly, leading Tobias back to the couch to sit. "She was sweet, kind, helpful, always ready with a cooking tip or an anecdote about you. She really made me feel welcome here."

  Tobias nodded. He wasn't sure how long he could do this. "I... oh, God." He coughed. "She was my family." He blinked rapidly, the tears coming up.

  Noah nodded and pulled Tobias down to the couch and into his arms. "You loved her, I know." He stroked a hand over Tobias' back and held him close.

  "I did. I do." Tobia
s began to cry, knowing that if there was anyone on the planet who deserved his tears it was Elizabeth Miller.

  "I know. She knew it, too. She did." Noah cleared his throat. Tobias felt Noah's hand leave his back for a moment. "She did, baby."

  Somehow, knowing Noah was mourning her, too, helped. Having only known her for a few months had affected Noah to the point where he could cry for her as well, and that seemed to loosen even more tears in Tobias. He clung to Noah, let himself cry, let himself feel the loss.

  She'd been his mother, his aunt, his guide. She'd never once blinked at his lovers, had welcomed first Phantom and then Noah into her life, had never pried into his private affairs. She'd simply been accepting and strong, teaching class by example, teaching how to love by doing it, and had never once let him hide from a responsibility.

  He wept, knowing the world was poorer without her.

  Noah held him and rubbed his back, until his shoulders stopped shaking and there was nothing but the sound of their breathing. It was hard to know how long they sat there, Noah being stoic and quiet with Tobias comfortably tucked into his shoulder.

  When the sun went down and the house started to get dark and chilly, Noah kissed him on the head. "I should start dinner." He scooted out from under Tobias and fluffed one of the couch pillows for him. "You rest. I'll let you know when it's ready."

  Tobias nodded and sank down onto the couch, feeling drained. He couldn't quite get used to the idea that Mrs. Miller was gone, that she wouldn't be back to run the place when he wasn't there. He felt adrift, like his anchor was gone. No, his anchor was making supper, he reminded himself. But something important had been taken from him, and he had to deal with that.

  He fell into a fitful sleep, half dreams of his house falling down plaguing him. A stranger living there during the week, making him feel like a weekend visitor instead of an absent son. He moaned and rolled over, waking slightly. He was cold. He could feel fresh tears on his cheeks. He was alone.


  The living room was dark, but there was light spilling into the hallway from the direction of the kitchen, and Tobias noted the warm, homey smell of comfort food.